
solusvm模板 - Solusvm template



solusvm模板 - Solusvm template-主机参考


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注册网友: 你要在主控添加模板啊。。

laulzgoay网友: 主控哪个文件夹呀?

wang765网友: /usr/local/solusvm/templates/然后呢?

laulzgoay网友: 主控添加模板 然后同步到slave node

laulzgoay网友: 在面板。。。

全球资源提供网友: 在哪里添加模板?

shkong网友: 萌新

laulzgoay网友: 主控也得要加啊,不考虑自动同步slaves的模板的话直接在主控端的/home/solusvm/kvm/template下面touch 一个和slave上模板一样文件名的文件让主控认出来就行。

laulzgoay网友: 楼主需要一个图床

注册网友: 主控里添加系统模板,在同步到节点服务器。。

注册网友: 太少了…

qinpairs网友: 求教

plesk002网友: 主控和被控模板文件都要有才行。

laulzgoay网友: 我都放了都没有

Tcloud网友: 还要在主控面板template里add kvm template。(添加模板)


anshi网友:    貌似很难懂

laulzgoay网友: IMG_20180626_184316.png (28.01 KB, 下载次数: 0) 2018-6-26 18:46 上传 点击文件名下载附件 怎么办,我的节点还有1T的硬盘。。。

o0o网友: 同步下就可以了,网上很多solusvm开kvm教程

Solusvm has added a lot of official templates to the accused. Why can't the master control find the template when adding VPS?

solusvm模板 - Solusvm template-主机参考

(35.57 KB, download times: 3)
2018-6-25 22:49 upload and click the file name to download the attachment netizen reply: Register: you need to add the template in the main control.. Laulzgoay: which folder do you control? Wang765: / usr / local / solusvm / templates / and then? Laulzgoay: Master adds template and synchronizes it to slave node laulzgoay: on the panel... Global resource providers: where to add templates? Shkong: sprout a new laulzgoay: master control also needs to add. Without considering the automatic synchronization of slaves templates, you can directly touch a file with the same file name as the template on slave under / home / solusvm / KVM / template on the master control to let the master control recognize it. Laulzgoay: the owner of the building needs to register a drawing bed: add system template in the master control, and synchronize to the node server.. Registration: too few … qinpairs: ask for help plesk002: both the master control and the controlled template files should have talents. Laulzgoay: I don't have any cloud: I also need to add KVM template in the main control panel template. (add template) laulzgoay: Oh Anshi: it seems hard to understand laulzgoay: img_.png (28.01 KB, download times: 0) 2018-6-26 18:46 upload and click the file name to download the attachment. My node also has 1t hard disk... O0o: it's OK under synchronization. Many solusvms open KVM tutorials on the Internet


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