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注册网友: 一定是姿势不对
920c网友: 你肯定是设错了什么了,proxmox开的不会慢的,你这个配置一定不会
hsorg网友: 装宝塔装了15分钟。。。别的ovz小鸡1分钟
920c网友: proxmox只是外皮而已,底层还是kvm。
hsorg网友: 或许是机器问题
The chick opened by proxmox is extremely slow. What's the matter with wpap6603003br? It just opened a VPS, the U of hen e3v3. It's OK to test IO, read and write. It's very slow to install things. The netizen replied: Register: it must be wrong posture. Hsorg: how many cores and memory did you give? What kind of virtual do you drive? Tucson broke the pattern: gave 2-core 2G KVM (also slow for 8-core) 920c: you must have set something wrong. Proxmox will not open slowly. Your configuration will not hsorg: the 宝塔面板 has been installed for 15 minutes... Other ovz chickens 920c / min: proxmox is only skin, and the bottom layer is KVM. Hsorg: maybe it's a machine problem
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- HostSailor,国外VPS云服务器7折,荷兰/罗马尼亚机房,KVM/OVZ虚拟架构,2核512M内存1Gbps带宽,2.79美元/月
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:proxmox开出来的小鸡奇慢无比 - Proxmox's chickens are extremely slow https://zhujicankao.com/5604.html