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Today, Xiaobian shared a solution to the high memory of alicloud server. Maybe you are not new to alicloud server, or you have never known alicloud server. But don't worry. Today, Xiaobian will talk about the principle of Alibaba cloud server in the simplest way.
There are generally two solutions for the high memory of alicloud servers. One is to find out the processes or files with high memory consumption and optimize the cleaning; the other is to upgrade the ECS configuration and increase the memory capacity.
View server memory usage
Linux云服务器可以通过执行 free,top(执行后可通过 shift+m 对内存排序),vmstat,procinfo 命令,或者访问 /proc/meminfo 文件进行查看。
The Linux ECS can view it by executing free, top (after execution, you can sort the memory by shift + m), vmstat, procinfo, or by accessing the / proc / meminfo file.
View the memory occupied by a single process
可以通过执行 top -p PID,pmap -x PID,ps aux|grep PID 命令,或者访问 /proc/$process_id(进程的 PID)/status 文件进行查看。
You can view it by executing the top-p P ID, pmap-x PID, PS aux|grep PID commands, or by visiting the / proc / $process_id (PID of the process) / status file.
通常,当云主机出现负载高的现象时,可能由于 CPU 资源不足,I/O 读写瓶颈,内存资源不足,CPU 正在进行密集型计算、存储的文件或数据过多过大等。
Usually, when the virtual machine has a high load, it may be due to insufficient CPU resources, I / O read and write bottlenecks, insufficient memory resources, intensive CPU computing, too many files or data stored, etc.
建议使用 vmstat,iostat,top 命令判断负载过高的原因,并找到具体占用大量资源的进程进行优化处理。或者如果没有可删除的文件,进行升级扩容是最直接的长远解决办法。
It is recommended to use vmstat, iostat, top commands to determine the cause of high load, and find out the specific process that consumes a lot of resources for optimization. Or if there are no files to delete, upgrading and capacity expansion is the most direct long-term solution.
The ECS users referred to by the host can freely choose vcpu, memory, data disk, bandwidth and other configurations according to different needs, and can also upgrade the bandwidth at any time without downtime, and upgrade vcpu and memory within one minute to support the sustainable development of the business.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:阿里云服务器内存过高的解决方法 https://zhujicankao.com/14186.html