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Today, Xiaobian shares how to modify the permissions of folders and subdirectories in Chmod. Maybe you are not new to Chmod, or you have never known Chmod. But don't worry. Today's editor will give you a detailed explanation of how to modify the authority, which will surely help you.
How to modify folder and subdirectory permissions in Chmod
Open the terminal to enter the directory you need to modify
Then execute the following command
chmod 777 * -R
chmod 777 * -R
全部子目录及文件权限改为 777
All subdirectories and file permissions changed to 777
查看linux文件的权限:ls -l 文件名称
Permission to view Linux files: LS - L file name
查看linux文件夹的权限:ls -ld 文件夹名称(所在目录)
Permission to view Linux folder: LS - LD folder name (directory)
Modify file and folder permissions:
sudo chmod -(代表类型)×××(所有者)×××(组用户)×××(其他用户)
Sudo Chmod - (representative type) ××× (owner) ×× (group user) ××× (other users)
Common commands for modifying permissions:
sudo chmod 600 ××× (只有所有者有读和写的权限)
Sudo Chmod 600 ××× (only the owner has read and write permission)
sudo chmod 644 ××× (所有者有读和写的权限,组用户只有读的权限)
Sudo Chmod 644 ××× (the owner has read and write permission, and the group user only has read permission)
sudo chmod 700 ××× (只有所有者有读和写以及执行的权限)
Sudo Chmod 700 ××× (only the owner has read, write and execute permissions)
sudo chmod 666 ××× (每个人都有读和写的权限)
Sudo Chmod 666 ××× (everyone has read and write permission)
sudo chmod 777 ××× (每个人都有读和写以及执行的权限)
Sudo Chmod 777 ××× (everyone has read, write and execute permissions)
The above is a brief introduction to Chmod how to modify the permissions of folders and subdirectories. Of course, the detailed use of the above differences needs to be understood by you. If you want to learn more, please pay attention to the host reference industry information channel!
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:chmod怎么修改文件夹及子目录权限 https://zhujicankao.com/14188.html