
无聊搭了几个AWS小鸡鸡的测速站 找不到地方测试的来看看吧 - Bored, I took a couple of AWS chick speed stations, but I can't find a place to test them. Let's have a look










无聊搭了几个AWS小鸡鸡的测速站 找不到地方测试的来看看吧 - Bored, I took a couple of AWS chick speed stations, but I can't find a place to test them. Let's have a look-主机参考 没去管ip段 开到啥是啥 反正aws的线路一直就这样

也能算是个直连测试 找不到测试的来试试 嘿嘿

还要别的节点回帖 我去开鸡装环境无聊搭了几个AWS小鸡鸡的测速站 找不到地方测试的来看看吧 - Bored, I took a couple of AWS chick speed stations, but I can't find a place to test them. Let's have a look-主机参考


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In this paper, the author analyzes the characteristics of Anyway, the line of AWS has always been like this, which can also be regarded as a direct test. I can't find a test to try it. Hey, I need other nodes to post back. I'll go to the environment of kaijizhuang, wpap6022602 img. Reply: Register: bullshit, I feel you're joking. Good East: the front row occupies a place, zsbd, the glass is clear, the front row supports the big guy, laulzgoay: I'm from Singapore and Japan. Everything else hurts. I don't use it anymore. Eicky: support tycoon luceos: I used to be able to run 150-200m in Singapore directly, but now I can't even run 150-200m in Singapore. Now I use a CDN to transfer to live Blue Mini Duo: I'm also a telecom. Last year or the year before last, Japan used it very comfortably. It took a while to eat a code. Good Dongdong: now, except for those who can get AIDS in some areas, they can't even run all over most places. Luceos: when can you send me another year, please don't forget me. Registration: download5.74mbps upload18.48mbps ping147.78ms jitter658.22ms download10.22mbps upload7.46mbps ping102.05ms jitter405.97ms download7.03mbps in South Korea Upload6.70mbps ping133.23ms download6.82mbps upload18.32mbps ping206.11ms Anhui Telecom registration: Amazon's lighisal Speedtest HTML5 speed measurement current node Singapore download19.39mbps upload29.62mbps ping230.88ms jitter35.46ms


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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:无聊搭了几个AWS小鸡鸡的测速站 找不到地方测试的来看看吧 - Bored, I took a couple of AWS chick speed stations, but I can't find a place to test them. Let's have a look https://zhujicankao.com/5334.html

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转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » 无聊搭了几个AWS小鸡鸡的测速站 找不到地方测试的来看看吧 - Bored, I took a couple of AWS chick speed stations, but I can't find a place to test them. Let's have a look

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