
刚刚开始玩VPS,想学这种语言,有啥途径? - Just started playing VPS, want to learn this language, what is the way?







注册网友: Linux 命令行与shell脚本编程大全网友:https://u.jd.com/nSo9Lp Linux 就该这么学网友: https://u.jd.com/is8TtX 当然任何技术书必然有一本网友:《从入门到放弃》

中环师爷余乐天网友: debian,centos 是Linux的发行版本,你要学系统的话,最好先挑一个出来,然后系统的学习。。 《鸟哥的私房菜》 这本书,对小白不错。你可以在Kindle上买来看,或者直接找个PDF的版本,淘宝上有卖转印的版本。 这这是告诉你系统的架构,常用的命令什么的。 你要想跟大佬一样写脚本,就可以先学Shell。。然后进阶。。Python。。 只要能看进去,基本上多多少少都会记住点东西。 最好是可以先过一遍,再仔细看, 慕课网,还有个什么网。。都有很多教程,还能跟着做。 自己尝试着写一些脚本,写多了,就融汇贯通了。 大佬都是从 echo “hello world”,print(‘hello world’) 开始的。。。 没有天生的大佬。 学到最后你会发现,我干 还是一键脚本用的爽

aming网友: 可以去百度 哈哈哈哈

雨巷网友: 师爷交出黄金一两 自然有大把小弟代劳 您就别费时费力了

一位不知名网友网友: 1.vps不是语言 2.debian centos也不是语言 3.这里混久了  你会发现大佬们也都是复制粘贴 各种一键脚本 求源码

好东东网友: 你到底想学啥系统 其实Linux系统都差不多 大同小异(1/1) 大部分常见内容古歌百度都有 小部分问题可以找大佬们问哈哈

MJJ思密达网友: linux 指令背下来

hasamol7468网友: linux 你需要学习的是bash shell.

haibuhao网友: linux常用命令+shell。慕课网有免费的入门linux课程 挺不错的 花个一两天就行了

cnly1987网友: 用哪些再学哪些吧, linux 运维 慢慢积累

beng网友: 不如百度Google更节省时间

注册网友: bash zsbd

注册网友: 能说出这些说明你的确是小白……去看看Linux指令大全就知道了

野兔网友: 鸟哥的LINUX私房菜

倚剑听枫网友: 这里的玩家的主要流派是一键脚本、求源码,分享自己开发的软件很少很少。 系统性的学习是有必要的,你需要学习的是linux,bash shell,找个视频先入门吧,以后再查漏补缺。

surabbit网友: 大部分人都是用的傻瓜包 轻轻松松搞定需求 要好好学 去搜下linux基础入门 从基础的开始学 debian centos 都是一个东西 就一些命令和包不同 学会一个另外一个基本上也通

我是一个大水怪网友: debian,centos 是Linux的发行版本,你要学系统的话,最好先挑一个出来,然后系统的学习。。 《鸟哥的私房菜》 这本书,对小白不错。你可以在Kindle上买来看,或者直接找个PDF的版本,淘宝上有卖转印的版本。 这这是告诉你系统的架构,常用的命令什么的。 你要想跟大佬一样写脚本,就可以先学Shell。。然后进阶。。Python。。 只要能看进去,基本上多多少少都会记住点东西。 最好是可以先过一遍,再仔细看, 慕课网,还有个什么网。。都有很多教程,还能跟着做。 自己尝试着写一些脚本,写多了,就融汇贯通了。 大佬都是从 echo “hello world”,print(‘hello world’) 开始的。。。 没有天生的大佬。 学到最后你会发现,我干 还是一键脚本用的爽

3gW7d7jizJS网友: 等你能理解他们有什么区别的时候,自己就知道选哪个了。现在对你来说都一样

雨巷网友: 不用,会复制粘贴就行

告辞网友: 又不计算机专业 没有必要学这个东西!浪费时间!

可乐呀网友: 直接用别人脚本就是了,shell脚本写起来麻烦的一批。

注册网友: Linux的精髓是命令管道的组合,脚本什么的只是修饰

注册网友: Linux 命令行与shell脚本编程大全网友:https://u.jd.com/nSo9Lp Linux 就该这么学网友: https://u.jd.com/is8TtX 当然任何技术书必然有一本网友:《从入门到放弃》

Now I'm using the one button package. I'm stupid to do those things. Wpap6603003br but I want to learn the system myself. What's the way? Wpap6603003br what do I see Debian, CentOS and other languages have different syntax. Wpap6603003br sometimes those tutorials only speak a certain language. Reply: Register: Linux command line and shell script programming: https://u.jd.com/nso9lp Linux should learn this way: https://u.jd.com/is8ttx of course, there must be a technical book: from introduction to giving up, middle ring Teacher Yu Letian: Debian, CentOS is the distribution version of Linux. If you want to learn the system, you'd better choose one first, and then learn the system.. This book is good for Xiaobai. You can buy it on the Kindle, or you can find a PDF version directly. There is a transfer version on Taobao. This is to tell you the architecture of the system, common commands and so on. If you want to write a script like a big guy, you can learn shell first.. And then move on.. Python。。 As long as you can see it, you will remember something more or less. It's better to go through it first, and then look carefully. Mooc.com and what else.. There are many tutorials, and they can follow. Try to write some scripts by yourself. If you write too much, you'll get through. Everyone starts from echo "Hello world", print (wpap63008qtehello world wpap63007qte)... There's no born big man. At the end of the study, you'll find that I'm still good at one click scripting: I can go to Baidu, ha ha, ha ha, rain lane: when the master hands over the gold or two, you will naturally have a lot of younger brothers to work for you, so don't waste time and effort. An unknown netizen: 1. VPS is not a language; 2. Debian CentOS is not a language; 3. After a long time mixing here, you will find that the big guys are also copy and paste All kinds of one click scripts ask for the source code. Good thing: what system do you want to learn? In fact, Linux systems are almost the same (1 / 1). Most of the common content of the ancient song Baidu has a small part of the questions you can ask the big guys haha MJ Smecta: the Linux command comes down from the back hasamol7468: Linux what you need to learn is bash shell. Haibuhao: Linux common command + shell. Mooc.com has a free introductory Linux course, which takes a good day or two cnly1987: learn what to use and what to use. The operation and maintenance of Linux gradually accumulates. Beng: it's not as time-saving as Baidu Google. Register: bash zsbd register: you can tell that you are indeed a white ……. Go to see the Linux instruction book and you will know the hare: Bird brother's Linux private room dish relies on sword to listen to maple: the main school of players here is one key script, seeking source code, sharing their own developed software is very few. Systematic learning is necessary. What you need to learn is Linux and Bash shell. Find a video, get started first, and then check and fill in the gaps. Surabbit: most people use the stupid bag to easily handle the needs. We need to learn to search the Linux foundation. From the beginning of the foundation, learning Debian CentOS is one thing. Some commands and packages are different from each other. Another is basically a big water monster: Debian, CentOS It's the distribution version of Linux. If you want to learn the system, you'd better choose one first, and then learn the system.. This book is good for Xiaobai. You can buy it on the Kindle, or you can find a PDF version directly. There is a transfer version on Taobao. This is to tell you the architecture of the system, common commands and so on. If you want to write a script like a big guy, you can learn shell first.. And then move on.. Python。。 As long as you can see it, you will remember something more or less. It's better to go through it first, and then look carefully. Mooc.com and what else.. There are many tutorials, and they can follow. Try to write some scripts by yourself. If you write too much, you'll get through. Everyone starts from echo "Hello world", print (wpap63008qtehello world wpap63007qte)... There's no born big man. In the end, you will find that I am still a one click script user. When you can understand their differences, you will know which one to choose. Now it's the same rain lane for you: No, it's OK to copy and paste it: there's no need to learn it in computer major! waste time! Cola: just use other people's scripts. Shell scripts are a lot of trouble. Registration: the essence of Linux is the combination of command channels. Scripts are just embellishments of registration: Linux command line and shell script programming: https://u.jd.com/nso9lp Linux should learn this way: https://u.jd.com/is8ttx of course, any technical book must have one: from getting started to giving up


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