
做个下载站。现在托管机器合适还是oss+cdn合适? - Make a download station. Is it suitable for hosting machine or OSS + CDN?





注册网友: 肯定托管便宜

5u5lv网友: oss+cdn=多倍流量,多倍的快乐。

aihoom网友: 问题来了,有合适的二手服务器配置么

兔斯基网友: 怎么不考虑租用呢 哈哈哈

5u5lv网友: 不报价位一律顶配

一位不知名网友网友: 托管多费劲,租一个不好吗

aihoom网友: oss + cdn就行了,速度快

leven5网友: 不考虑速度,就OneDrive . 考虑速度,就世纪互联 OneDrive . 有钱还是用OSS加CDN就行了。 当然也可以考虑天翼云盘。。。。。

Face网友: oss加cdn真是双倍快乐 有钱啥都行

注册网友: 没找到合适的大盘鸡

注册网友: 求合适的大盘鸡

5u5lv网友: 下载站 上OSS + CDN ,除非会员费收的够高,要不然就是做公益,土豪。。

5u5lv网友: 你这方案一套海景房没了

hising网友: 我的cdn费用低

翠花网友: 托管加租用

yanquan网友: 你的节点抗揍吗

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flypei网友: 什么站用得起oss+cdn做下载呀,真没见过

Make a download station. Is it suitable for hosting machine or OSS + CDN? Or is there a lower cost solution? Registration: sure to host cheap 5u5lv: OSS + CDN = multiple traffic, multiple happiness. Aihoom: the problem is, there is a suitable second-hand server configuration murhusky: why don't you consider renting it? 5u5lv: no ation, but one unknown user: how hard it is to host, isn't it good to rent one aihoom: OSS + CDN, fast leven5: onedrive without considering speed. Onedrive with considering speed, Century Internet onedrive If you have money, use OSS plus CDN. Of course, we can also consider the sky wing cloud disk..... Face: OSS plus CDN is double happiness. You can sign up for anything with money. You can't find the right big dish chicken. Sign up for the right big dish chicken. 5u5lv: Download OSS + CDN from the website. Unless the membership fee is high enough, you can do public welfare and local tyrants.. 5u5lv: you don't have a sea view room. Hising: my CDN cost is low. Cuihua: hosting and renting Yanquan: is your node anti beating? Iiko: Century Internet. Look at my signature. Flypei: what station can I use OSS + CDN for download? I haven't seen it


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转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » 做个下载站。现在托管机器合适还是oss+cdn合适? - Make a download station. Is it suitable for hosting machine or OSS + CDN?

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