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The novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic is sweeping the globe. In order to help fight the epidemic around the world, Tencent conference launched the international version of the application. As of March 20, Tencent international has been launched in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, including Malaysia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao, etc. Tencent meetings are now free to users, and can support up to 300 online meetings.
According to the data of who, there are nearly 170 countries and regions outside China with confirmed cases, and many countries have declared a state of emergency. In order to strengthen epidemic management, telecommuting has become the choice of many institutions and enterprises.
Wu Zurong, vice president of Tencent cloud and head of Tencent conference, said: "the situation of overseas epidemic is severe, and we hope to provide users in more countries and regions with the ability of remote office. In the future, we will continue to provide online services around the world on the premise of meeting the laws and regulations of various countries and regions. "
Tencent conference is an audio and video conference product of Tencent cloud, which was launched at the end of December 2019. Within two months after its launch, Tencent has more than 10 million daily active accounts, which has become the most widely used video conferencing application in China.
At the end of January, the new coronal lung disease broke out in China. In order to help fight against the epidemic, Tencent Conference opened a conference collaboration capacity of 300 people free of charge to users until the end of the epidemic. During this period, a large number of enterprises use Tencent conference remote office, and educational institutions use Tencent conference remote teaching and training.
With the growing demand of users, Tencent conference is expanding its resources every day. It has expanded the capacity of more than 100000 virtual machines in 8 days and invested more than 1 million core computing resources, setting a historical record of cloud computing in China.
In the middle of March, the pace of resumption of production has accelerated everywhere. Tens of thousands of enterprises and relevant government agencies use Tencent meetings to resume production every week. Cloud signing, cloud bidding, cloud interview, cloud training and other cloud collaborative practices are becoming a new trend.
In order to meet the growing cloud office needs of users, Tencent conference also continuously upgrades key functions and services, with 14 versions updated and iterated within 40 days. In the future, Tencent meetings will continue to be optimized to provide global users with a high-definition, smooth, convenient, safe and reliable cloud conference experience.
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