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How to copy files to the docker container under Linux? Many people don't know much about it. Today, in order to let you know more about Linux, I summarized the following contents for you. Let's look down.
docker ps
Docker PS
//775c7c9ee1e1 is the ID in docker
docker exec -it 775c7c9ee1e1 /bin/bash
docker exec -it 775c7c9ee1e1 /bin/bash
2. Copy files from Linux system to container
Get the long ID of the container
//Python is the name of the project running in the docker container
docker inspect -f '{{.ID}}' python
docker inspect -f '{{.ID}}' python
然后进行拷贝 ,注意:执行docker命令时一定要退出容器,否则报错
Then copy it. Note: when executing the docker command, you must exit the container, otherwise an error will be reported
从容器中拷出来是一样的,docker cp 后面的位置调换一下即可,复制时可不用长路径,docker ps显示的容器名称即可使用
It's the same when copying from the container. Just change the location after docker CP. you don't need a long path when copying. The container name displayed by docker PS can be used
// docker cp 本地路径 容器长ID:容器路径
//Docker CP local path container long ID: container path
docker cp /usr/local/test.txt 38ef22f922704b32cf2650407e16b146bf61c221e6b8ef679989486d6ad9e856:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps test.txt
docker cp /usr/local/test.txt 38ef22f922704b32cf2650407e16b146bf61c221e6b8ef679989486d6ad9e856:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps test.txt
The above is a brief introduction of how to copy files to the docker container under Linux. Of course, the detailed use of the above differences should be understood only after you have used them. If you want to learn more, please pay attention to the host reference industry information channel!
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:linux下怎么将文件复制到docker容器中 https://zhujicankao.com/14098.html