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What are the benefits of purchasing SSL certificates? Many people don't know much about it. Today, in order to let you know more about SSL certificate, I summarized the following contents for you. Let's look down together.
SSL证书是数字证书的一种,类似于驾驶证、护照和营业执照的电子副本。因为配置在服务器上,也称为SSL服务器证书。一个有效、可信的 SSL 数字证书包括一个公共密钥和一个私用密钥。公共密钥用于加密信息,私用密钥用于解译加密的信息。
SSL certificate is a kind of digital certificate, similar to the electronic copy of driver's license, passport and business license. Because the configuration is on the server, it is also called SSL server certificate. A valid and trusted SSL digital certificate includes a public key and a private key. The public key is used to encrypt information, and the private key is used to interpret encrypted information.
What are the benefits of SSL certificates
1、防止中间人流量劫持 2、Https加密使网站更安全 3、保障用户隐私信息安全 4、帮助用户识别钓鱼网站 5、http将被标记“不安全” 6、提升搜索排名 7、提升公司形象和可信度
1. Prevent the traffic hijacking of middlemen. 2. Make the website more secure by HTTPS encryption. 3. Ensure the privacy information security of users. 4. Help users identify phishing websites. 5. HTTP will be marked "unsafe". 6. Improve the search ranking. 7. Improve the company image and credibility
目前SSL证书主要可以分为DV SSL证书、OV SSL证书和EV SSL证书三类。费用方面,根据类型的不同存在较大差异,其中DV SSL证书最便宜,几元到几百元不等,而OV SSL证书则在几千元以上,最贵的是EV SSL证书上万元(均按年计算),随着互联网发展与人们网络安全意识的提高,使用HTTPS在未来必将成为主流。
At present, SSL certificate can be divided into DV SSL certificate, OV SSL certificate and ev SSL certificate. In terms of cost, there are great differences according to different types, among which DV SSL certificate is the cheapest, ranging from a few yuan to a few hundred yuan, while ov SSL certificate is more than a few thousand yuan, and the most expensive one is ev SSL Certificate (all calculated on an annual basis). With the development of Internet and the improvement of people's network security awareness, HTTPS will become the mainstream in the future.
The above is a brief introduction to the advantages of purchasing SSL certificate. Of course, you need to understand the differences in the detailed use of the above by yourself. If you want to learn more, please pay attention to the host reference industry information channel!
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- Justhost:以色列VPS/Cloud Server每月支付起价为2.25美元。
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:购买SSL证书有哪些好处 https://zhujicankao.com/14138.html