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Domestic server building website needs to be put on record, many webmaster friends are very headache these. The filing time of domestic websites is long and the process is tedious. If not necessary, many enterprises and webmasters prefer to choose the servers free of filing, which can be set up after opening. Therefore, many webmasters will choose overseas servers, such as Korean servers, American servers, Hong Kong servers, etc. why do domestic webmasters like to rent Korean servers?
Here's why servers in South Korea have become popular:
1. Close to the mainland, the geographical location is very suitable for users at home and abroad, with low delay to home, cn2 line, fast and stable.
2. There is no need for filing. Korean servers are free of filing and can be used directly after opening. It is very convenient and saves the tedious procedures of filing. Korean servers do not need to be filed. They are the first choice for foreign trade companies and game industry.
3. An open and free economic environment and relatively open policies do not restrict many industries at home. Make a lot of industries choose Korean servers outside the country.
4. The network is fast, and the network of South Korea is fast connected to all parts of the world. South Korea is also the network hub of East Asia. Many well-known network operators in the world have established data centers in South Korea. Therefore, South Korea has sufficient international bandwidth and can quickly connect network data centers around the world. Korean server speed in the whole world is relatively fast, this is to do foreign trade or English station other language station preferred.
5. Low price, stable servers in South Korea, mature and standardized market, and advanced international mobile network equipment. It is much cheaper than the price of renting two or more lines in China.
Korean servers can not only save time without filing, but also save money and cost to solve the problem of non interconnection of network telecommunication. For details, please refer to customer service QQ: zhujicankao.com.
- 恒创科技,全场3折优惠起,免备案香港VPS云服务器低至28元/月,香港/美国,新增多款特价服务器,1核1G内存5Mbps带宽不限流量,292元/年
- DediPath,国外便宜低价VPS云服务器最新优惠,美国洛杉矶/圣何塞/西雅图等,OVZ虚拟架构,2核5G内存1Gbps带宽,5美元/月
- 腾讯云,双十一特价优惠活动,高性价比国内轻量云服务器年付低至48元起,2核4G内存8Mbps带宽轻量云年付70元,续费2.5折起,还有海量代金券免费领
- 腾讯云,双11活动最后一天,超便宜云服务器2核4G内存8Mbps带宽仅198元/3年,无新账号可按照本文附带教程1个身份证开8个新用户账号抢购,买到就是赚到,挖币都能回本
- ShockHosting,最新特价优惠,全场VPS云服务器终身3.5折,美国/日本/新加坡/澳大利亚,KVM虚拟架构,1核2G内存1Gbps带宽,低至2.9美元/月
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:国内站长为什么都喜欢租用韩国服务器? https://zhujicankao.com/12914.html