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I believe that the webmaster colleagues of the group know that the group has unimaginable benefits for their own industry. The group can establish a strong connection resource base, promote the ranking of website keywords, achieve the ultimate goal of the group from the search engine to the largest scale of traffic, and achieve profitability through a good business model. Since it is to build a station group, it is sure to use the station group server, and the Japanese station group server is one of them.
Before renting the Japanese station group servers, the station masters who just took over the construction of the station group will surely have many questions, such as whether the Japanese station group servers are easy to use, how to rent the Japanese station group servers, and what's the difference between the Japanese station group servers and the Hong Kong station group servers and the American station group servers? The following hosts refer to the small 11 listed, I hope to be able to help.
1、 How is the Japanese station group server working
1. Japan data center is located in Tokyo area, with the best network data center in the world, and the basic equipment is relatively good;
2. Japanese servers do not need to be filed, and domestic websites must be filed, and different computer rooms require different conditions;
3. Japan's network has a new optical fiber network backbone, multi routing design, which can effectively remove network obstacles and blocking rate, and provide high-quality special line internet service;
4. In Asia, users of Japanese host servers are quick to open their websites, and the lines are very stable.
2、 How to select a Japanese station group server:
To be a station group, it needs multiple independent IP supports, and requires a high amount of server resources. At the same time, it is also troublesome to file multiple websites. The station master basically rents overseas servers to build the station group website. In this host, it is recommended to rent Japanese station group servers by referring to Xiaobian, because the Japanese station group servers do not need to be recorded, the station group deployment is fast, and the Japanese station group servers are affordable, and the Japanese IP price is far lower than the domestic IP, which are unique advantages that the domestic servers cannot match.
If the scale of the required site group is less than 20 websites, it is recommended to use the Japanese site group server; if the scale of the website is more than 20 websites or even up to 100 websites, it is recommended to choose the Japanese multi IP site group server. Generally, Japan has 50 + or even hundreds of IP addresses, and can freely allocate different C segments. Most importantly, using Japan's independent server, the performance is more stable, the website weight rises faster, and it is more conducive to achieving good search engine optimization goals.
3、 What's the difference between Japanese station group server and Hong Kong station group server and American station group server
1. In overseas station group server market, Hong Kong station group server and America station group server are two major markets. Japan and South Korea also provide the service of station group server. Although the service of Hong Kong Station Group and America station group is good, the price is relatively high, and the content audit is relatively strict. On the contrary, the Japanese station group servers have advantages, which are cheaper than the Hong Kong Station Group and the US station group servers in terms of price, and there is not much control over the content audit.
2. The advantage of Hong Kong station group server is that the price is relatively cheap, the IP quality of Hong Kong server is relatively good, the bandwidth may be the only short board, and the access speed is now almost the same as that in China with the adjustment and optimization of the line.
3. The advantages of us station group servers are low price, high IP reuse rate, low quality and abundant bandwidth. For the foreign trade industry or good, if it is for the domestic market, the disadvantage of slow speed will be very uncomfortable, after all, the station group itself is a number of websites, whether it is customer access or operation, it is very lethal.
From the above comparison, we can see that whether it is Japanese station group server or Hong Kong station group server or US station group server, they have their own advantages. When we choose to rent the station group server, we still need to determine where to rent the station group server according to our business needs and regional population positioning analysis. Please refer to customer service QQ: zhujicankao.com for the details of the friends who need the station group server.
- 搬瓦工VPS,限量款套餐补货,美国CN2 GIA/日本软银/荷兰AS9929,1Gbps超大高端网络线路,KVM虚拟架构,1核1G内存1Gbps带宽,80美元/年,机房可随意切换
- CloudCone,美国Win系统VPS云服务器少量补货,美国洛杉矶MC机房,KVM虚拟架构,3核4G内存1Gbps带宽,17.49美元/月
- LOCVPS,双12特惠,香港免备案VPS云服务器终身65折,香港葵湾机房,CN2+BGP/CN2网络,KVM虚拟架构,1核2G内存2Mbps带宽不限流量,29.25元/月
- 恒创科技,全场3折优惠起,免备案香港VPS云服务器低至28元/月,香港/美国,新增多款特价服务器,1核1G内存5Mbps带宽不限流量,292元/年
- 萤光云,香港VPS云服务器测评报告,回国优化线路,香港VPS测评,萤光云VPS好不好?萤光云香港VPS云服务器值得购买吗?
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:日本有站群服务器吗?好不好用? https://zhujicankao.com/12917.html