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What is a bare metal server?
We simply show what a bare metal server is through a scenario. Once upon a time, if you want to build a website or application on your own server, you need to first purchase equipment, then find a computer room, and trust the server in it. Then the operation and maintenance personnel need to go to the computer room from time to time with tools (the computer room is usually remote) to configure the server, back up the data, repair and maintenance, etc.
With bare metal servers, you can save a lot of things. You don't need to buy equipment, or find a computer room, or go to the computer room for maintenance; you just need to select a bare metal service provider, tell him what kind of server configuration you need, which area of computer room you want to choose, and then directly place an order online and manage online.
You may have to say, this is not the cloud computing platform! No, not too.
Although it has many similarities with cloud platform in convenience, elastic computing and other features, the biggest feature of bare metal server is physical isolation. After purchasing the bare metal, you will have an exclusive physical server and physical isolation with other tenants, which is very important for the security of the core database, isolation of users with hard index requirements, and users with high performance requirements.
Bare metal server products solve some function deployment problems that cannot be realized due to the limitations of public cloud virtual virtual virtual virtual virtual machine architecture, such as virtualization business, high-performance computing business, business with high requirements for IO performance, and business requiring high control and security isolation of core data. In addition, the manufacturers providing bare metal services will also provide operation and maintenance services, and the response speed is very fast, which saves the cost of your own operation and maintenance personnel.
Where is bare metal server better than cloud platform?
Now, I believe you have understood the advantages of bare metal servers over traditional servers. But compared with cloud platforms, if I don't have such mandatory requirements for physical isolation and performance, is it unnecessary to use bare metal?
In fact, there may be many kinds of computing resources on the cloud for users. In some cases, virtual machines can not meet the complex application scenarios. At this time, it may be necessary to combine virtual machines and physical machines. Bare metal servers also emerge under this demand.
1. Compliance and safety
Bare metal server users enjoy independent physical resources to ensure stable performance and meet the ultra-high requirements of data security and supervision.
For exle, the financial, securities and other industries have strict requirements for compliance and security. The deployment of bare metal servers can ensure data isolation, supervision and traceability. For exle, Supercomputing Center, gene sequencing and other high-performance computing scenarios have high requirements for computing performance, stability, real-time, and bare metal is also the best choice.
2. Block storage cloud disk
The bare metal server has block storage cloud disk, which can mount and unload the cloud disk online to meet the elastic storage requirements, while supporting the use of local hard disk.
3.VPC network
Bare metal service builds a safe and isolated network environment for you. In VPC, you can customize IP, subnet, configure routing table and gateway, and realize the functions of elastic IP and shared bandwidth.
4. Independent and automatic batch operation and maintenance
Support on-line management of bare metal physical server cluster, including on-off, restart, one key reinstallation system, volume hanging, remote login, remote serial port management, status query and other operations. The opening of bare metal server is self-service. You only need to specify the specific server type and required network configuration to quickly complete the opening deployment. You can also use public, private, and shared mirrors.
5. Pay as you go, de virtualization
Bare metal service has the characteristics of pay as you go, minute level delivery, self access at any time, elastic scaling, large-scale batch deployment, de virtualization and so on, to meet the needs of a variety of users. For exle, some key database services cannot be deployed on virtual machines. They must be hosted by physical servers with exclusive resources, network isolation and guaranteed performance. You can choose bare metal servers.
The following figure details the differences between elastic bare metal service and traditional virtual cloud and traditional physical machine.
The host reference newly launched the bare metal server rental product. The bare metal server is a physical cloud server rental service purchased on demand and paid by volume, which can provide a high-performance, secure and isolated physical server cluster dedicated to the cloud. For details, please refer to customer service zhujicankao.com.
- 华纳云:服务器2.3折起,香港CN2服务器低至800元/月,海外云服务器月付7折,季付5.5折,续费同价。
- Band wagon主机:92.30美元/年/2核/2G内存/40SSD/1T流量/1Gbps/ CMI/香港/软银大阪/CN2 GIA洛杉矶。
- Spinservers:美国达拉斯机房独立服务器年中推广!(达拉斯机场是美国的哪个城市?)
- 莱卡棉:七月促销!港美欧云服务器产品低至15.9元(徕卡论坛)
- 华纳云:100M专属大带宽服务器低至688元/月,不限流量/现场交付,适用于CDN/视频直播多场景应用。
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:裸金属服务器比云服务器好在哪? https://zhujicankao.com/12782.html