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The mainstream public cloud already has bare metal services. What about private cloud? Does private cloud need bare metal? The answer is yes. Many application scenarios for public cloud bare metal also exist in private cloud, and naturally there is a demand for bare metal.

So what about the bare metal of the private cloud? First, let's study the characteristics of private cloud:

Compared with the public cloud, the private cloud is generally smaller in scale, less in equipment and less than 1000 in number. The demand for bare metal hosts is also relatively simple, either to deploy applications with high IO and high performance requirements, or to run the work that cannot be virtualized hardware needs to perform, or to handle high-performance computing. Rarely like the public cloud, customers are uncertain and need to meet different application scenarios at the same time. The proportion of bare metal hosts in the private cloud will not be too large in the whole platform, so the magnitude of bare metal hosts managed by the cloud platform is not high. The providers and users of private cloud are generally not the relationship between providers and customers. The timeliness requirements for application to use are not so high. The rapid deployment of public cloud and minute level delivery are not very attractive on private cloud.

In addition to the above mentioned differences, there are more similarities between the bare metal services of public cloud and private cloud. All of them need to be connected with virtual machines, share network and storage, be able to control the on-off of bare metal hosts, monitor the use of resources of bare metal hosts, and create images, backups and disaster recovery.

In summary, the following are the function points that private cloud bare metal should achieve:

1. Application and automatic delivery of bare metal host

Users can apply for bare metal host by filling in work order. After the application is passed, users can choose to install corresponding operating system and software.

2. Bare metal host status monitoring

It can monitor the system usage of bare metal host in real time, including CPU, memory, storage, network, etc. in case of any exception, it can remind users or administrators to handle it in time.

3. The management node provides Deployment Services

When the scale is relatively small, deployment services such as DHCP service, TFTP service and PXE service can be provided by the management node, without the need to configure a deployment server alone, which can not be used most of the time, resulting in resource waste; of course, to a certain scale, it is necessary to configure a deployment server alone, which can reduce the pressure on the management node and be dedicated to the special machine.

4. Convenient interconnection with virtual machine

The bare metal host can be connected with the virtual machine in many ways. It can establish a virtual private network (VPC) or a flat network to meet different network security needs.

5. Image and backup

It supports virtual machine image creation of metal host, bare metal host creation of image and clone, and bare metal host image backup and recovery.

6. Out of band control

Remote management of the physical machine to achieve the physical machine power on and off function.

7. Support containers or other cloud platforms

Containers can be deployed on bare metal hosts to enjoy the convenience brought by container technology, and other cloud platforms can also be deployed on them.

The future of private cloud bare metal

With the maturity of virtual machine technology, the performance loss brought by virtual machine will be less and less, and the need to select bare metal based on performance considerations may be less and less in the future. But in some special occasions, for some special devices such as Godson or other devices that cannot be virtualized, the cloud platform will be used to manage these devices in the form of bare metal for a long time. For this form of bare metal equipment, providing a general management and control interface, intelligent scheduling and status monitoring may be the focus of the development of private cloud bare metal management in the future.

The host reference newly launched the bare metal server rental product. The bare metal server is a physical cloud server rental service purchased on demand and paid by volume, which can provide a high-performance, secure and isolated physical server cluster dedicated to the cloud. For details, please refer to customer service zhujicankao.com.



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