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On March 19, according to foreign media reports, Tencent Holdings Co., Ltd. has disclosed its full year performance in 2019, and its cloud service revenue has exceeded 17 billion yuan last year.
Tencent disclosed in the financial report that in 2019, their cloud service revenue exceeded 17 billion yuan, and the growth rate continued to be higher than the market. Thanks to the continuous optimization of the sales team and the deepening of their cooperation with service providers, Tencent paid more than 1 million customers.
In the financial report, Tencent also disclosed that as they optimize the supply chain and expand their business scale, their gross profit margin has improved. They have successfully expanded their market share, and continued to expand their business in the vertical fields such as Internet services, tourism, people's livelihood services and industry, giving full play to their advantages of connecting consumers and helping enterprises to carry out digital upgrading.
However, compared with Amazon, the cloud computing giant, Tencent still has a clear gap in cloud services.
According to Amazon's financial report, the revenue of their cloud computing business reached $9.954 billion in the fourth quarter of last year, and up to $35.026 billion in 2019.
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- RAKsmart,黑色星期五特别优惠,特价独立服务器/独服30美元/月,全场VPS云服务器/裸金属服务器终身7折,美国/香港/日本/韩国机房,E3-1230处理器16G内存100Mbps带宽,30美元/月
- 搬瓦工VPS,黑色星期五特别优惠活动,全场VPS云服务器9折,香港/美国CN2 GIA,分配高达10Gbps超大带宽,1核2G内存2.5Gbps带宽,45美元/季
- #实时更新#最新2021年主机商双十一活动汇总,国内外VPS主机商双11促销优惠活动汇总,海外免备案VPS云服务器/独立服务器超大带宽不限流量双11活动
- iON Cloud,双十一优惠,美国VPS云服务器低至11.11美元/季,洛杉矶/圣何塞机房,KVM虚拟架构,1核2G内存1Gbps带宽,11.11元/季
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:腾讯云服务去年收入超过170亿元 但同亚马逊相比依旧差距明显 https://zhujicankao.com/12725.html