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The new crown epidemic in China has been basically under control, but it is increasingly serious overseas. According to the data of who, there have been nearly 170 confirmed cases in countries and regions outside China. Many countries have declared a state of emergency and telecommuting at home has become a necessity.
For this reason, Tencent conference urgently developed and launched the international version application.
As of March 20, Tencent international conference has been launched in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, including Malaysia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Macao, etc. it is currently free to users, and can support up to 300 online conferences.
Tencent conference is an audio and video conference product under Tencent cloud. It was just launched at the end of December 2019, with more than 10 million active accounts per day in two months. It is known as the video conference application with the largest number of users in China. At present, tens of thousands of enterprises and relevant government agencies use Tencent conference to resume production every week.
At the same time, Tencent conference is expanding its resources every day. It has expanded its capacity of more than 100000 virtual machines in 8 days and invested more than 1 million cores in computing resources, setting a historical record of cloud computing in China.
The key functions and services of the software itself are also continuously upgraded, with 14 versions updated and iterated within 40 days.
In the future, Tencent will continue to provide online services in more countries and regions on the premise of meeting the laws and regulations of various countries and regions around the world.
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- 恒创科技,全场3折优惠起,免备案香港VPS云服务器低至28元/月,香港/美国,新增多款特价服务器,1核1G内存5Mbps带宽不限流量,292元/年
- 萤光云,香港VPS云服务器测评报告,回国优化线路,香港VPS测评,萤光云VPS好不好?萤光云香港VPS云服务器值得购买吗?
- 热网互联Hotiis,年底特惠活动,海外高质量免备案VPS云服务器5折,中国香港/美国/日本机房,1核1G内存15Mbps带宽,低至20元/月,默认赠送5G DDOS防御
- 搬瓦工,日本VPS云服务器测评报告,日本CN2 GIA高端线路大带宽VPS测评,搬瓦工VPS测评,搬瓦工VPS好不好?搬瓦工VPS值得购买吗?
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