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如果要举几个前端***的例子,大家可以看看近期在互联网上比较火的两个帖子——《雅虎邮箱DOM XSS漏洞》与《如何通过***老师邮箱拿到期末考卷和修改成绩》,里面用的XSS hack就是前端***技术。当然,还有之前在Twitter上肆虐的跨站***蠕虫,堪称前端***的经典案例。而这些技术,都只是《Web前端***技术揭秘》所包含的一部分而已。更多如百度、Google、人人网等真实案例的剖析,会让人目不暇接。
When I was learning technology a long time ago, I didn't take the security of the web side seriously. At that time, the system level exploit was still popular in the circle, and remote overflow and local power lifting were very popular. "Automatic propagation" and "taking down system authority" were the main goals of the Communist Party of China at that time, which was also the best period of the era of network security.
However, after 2000, people began to pay attention to web security. SQL injection first becomes a star, then it goes out of control. All kinds of seemingly solid systems and servers with only 80 ports open become extremely vulnerable under this kind of * * *. The era of web security is coming.
SQL injection + upload webshell has become the mainstream of the industry, which is almost unfavourable to dynamic web services. Large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions have increased 80 port inspection and blocking. Seeing some logs blockquoted by SQL injection, they smiled with satisfaction
However, is there only one SQL injection in the powerful web * * mode?
Recently, the book "web front end technology disclosure" appeared on the market, which reveals the answer for you.
If SQL injection is more direct, the application of XSS, CSRF, clickjacking and other front-end methods is more subtle.
In this book, the author expounds the truth that "all plants, bamboos and stones are swords". In their eyes, URL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, ActionScript Almost every place can hide murders.
Whether it's exploring the headache of XSS and CSRF, or parsing web worms and interface manipulation hijacking, this book will give people a flash of wonder.
If you want to take a few exles of the front-end * * *, you can take a look at two popular posts on the Internet recently - "DOM XSS vulnerability in Yahoo Mail" and "how to get the final examination paper and modification results through the email of the teacher * * *". The XSS hack used in these posts is the front-end * * * technology. Of course, there is the cross site worm that has been rant on twitter before, which can be called the classic case of front-end. These technologies are just a part of the web front end technology disclosure. More such as Baidu, Google, Renren and other real case analysis, people will be dizzying.
For HTML5, which confirmed the new standard at the end of 2012, there is also a separate chapter for readers. Maybe I have played the relationship of HTML5 video technology for a while, and I am deeply impressed by this chapter, which reminds me what I need to pay attention to when I write HTML5 code.
Many of the HTML5 cross site approaches described in the book are enough to allow some existing IPS * * defense systems and WAF strategies to be bypassed. The addition of new attributes such as Formaction, onformchange, onformminput, autofocus, etc., makes cross site defense more challenging.
In the last chapter, the author puts forward the defense methods (such as domain separation, secure transmission, secure cookie, excellent authentication code, careful third-party content, X-FRAME-OPTIONS defense, token use, etc.) from browser manufacturers, website technicians, users and other perspectives, so that people can be fully prepared before facing this kind of ¢. In addition, in order to help you better understand the system of the web front-end, the authors Zhong Chenming (cosine) and Xu Shaopei (xisig) have also made a special analysis chart.
In the era of centralized cloud computing, the protection of servers will be more and more deep, and more hackers will choose to get sensitive data from the front end. Therefore, understanding the front-end and the user-side will be the content that web security personnel need to be familiar with in the future.
PS: This is almost the first Chinese book focusing on Web front-end. I've read too many web back-end books before. Finally, there are some web front-end books. I can't help but see it first and relieve my boredom. Different from the previous security books, this book is not only suitable for security lovers and practitioners, but also worth exploring by web front-end engineers. When many people still think that web front-end security is narrow, maybe this book will give them a new perspective.
- DMIT,黑色星期五特别优惠,日本CN2 GIA特价8折,美国/香港VPS云服务器1.5倍流量,消费最高3000美元返900美元,KVM虚拟架构,1核0.75G内存100Mbps带宽,19.9美元/月
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:Web安全,向“前”看!——读国内第一本Web前端***书 https://zhujicankao.com/12665.html