


最近购买hostwinds主机VPS的用户很多,每天都有不少用户咨询老杨,总结了一下问题,大致为以下几点:购买后开通的VPS就无法连接这个问题很好检查,本机电脑Ping VPS IP


C:UsersAdministratorgt;ping正在 Ping 具有 32 字节的数据:来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=298ms TTL=50来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=297ms TTL=50来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=298ms TTL=50来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=297ms TTL=50104.168.169.1 的 Ping 统计信息: 数据包: 已发送 = 4,已接收 = 4,丢失 = 0 (0% 丢失),往返行程的估计时间(以毫秒为单位): 最短 = 297ms,最长 = 298ms,平均 = 297ms




点击Fix ISP Block更换IP,等待几分钟,一个新的IP分配完成。此方法更换的IP不保证百分百可用,这也要看人品的。小编一次性就更换成功。国内可以使用了。

Change Main IP是收费3USD一次更换IP。



南琴浪南琴浪版暴力魔改BBR一键安装脚本 附加速50倍效果图

超级加速工具KCPTUN一键安装脚本 附100倍加速效果图


Recently, there are many users who purchase the hostwinds host and VPS. Every day, many users consult Lao Yang and summarize the following questions: VPS opened after purchase cannot be connected. This problem is easy to check. Ping VPS IP of the local computer

If the IP is not available in China, the display will timeout the request. Under normal circumstances, the display is as follows:

C:UsersAdministratorgt; Ping is Ping with 32 bytes of data: reply from byte = 32 time = 298ms TTL = 50 reply from byte = 32 time = 297ms TTL = 50 reply from byte = 32 time = 298ms TTL = 50 reply from byte = 32 time = 297ms TTL = 50104.168.169.1 Statistics: packet: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0 (0% lost), estimated time of round trip (in milliseconds): minimum = 297ms, maximum = 298ms, average = 297ms

Or the webmaster tool check, website: http://ping.chinaz.com/, if it can't be used in China, the figure below will be basically all red, while the foreign node display is common, IP can be used normally, and the normal situation is as follows:

The VPS in use can't connect to the VPS that can be used normally. If it can't be used suddenly, you can check whether the IP address is normal through the above method. If the IP is OK, reinstall the 5S tool or replace the port. What about IP being q? Through the above operations, we can basically know where the problem is. What if IP is indeed detected by Q? Don't worry, the IP pool of hostwinds is very large, providing free IP replacement. But it also needs some luck. It is recommended to change the IP in the morning or in the early morning. Because the U.S. works in the evening of Chinese time, they will be isolated from the wall IP the day before after they go to work. The success rate will be higher. The steps are as follows:

Click here to enter the personal center of the official website to find the VPS selection management to change the IP, as shown in the following figure: then select the management server, as shown in the following figure: then select the IP management first, and then select to change the primary IP. As shown in the figure below:

Click fix ISP block to change the IP address, wait a few minutes, and a new IP address is assigned. The IP replaced by this method does not guarantee 100% availability, which also depends on the personality. Xiaobian was successfully replaced at one time. It can be used in China.

Change main IP is a charge of 3usd to replace the IP once.

Through the above operation, we have replaced the IP for free. Now you can use VPS normally. What if it's slow? For this problem, there is no good solution. The export bandwidth of Telecom exploded as early as last year. In the past two months of this year, the Internet demand of the whole country is too high, which makes the situation even more serious. It is possible to use the hostwinds host at a very slow speed during the evening peak.

Although this is the case, you can still use our recommended scheme to set up. It is still normal for Lao Yang to use this scheme to run stably for 2 months. The scheme is: one key 5S + kcptun + nanqinlang BBR. Related courses are as follows:

Nanqinlangnanqinlangversion violent magic change BBR one key installation script with 50 times speed effect chart

One click installation script of super acceleration tool kcptun with 100 times acceleration effect chart

For more tutorials, please search on your own blog.



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