
由于担心新冠病毒影响 谷歌又宣布推迟一年一度的Cloud Next大会


据外媒报道,谷歌周二表示,由于担心新冠病毒疫情的影响,它将推迟一年一度的Cloud Next大会,尽管该公司本月早些时候宣布将该大会转向全数字化形式。


谷歌云服务首席营销官艾莉森-瓦格菲尔德(Alison Wagonfeld)在一篇博客文章中表示:“考虑到我们客户、合作伙伴、员工和当地社区的健康和安全,以及联邦和地方政府最近就新冠病毒疫情作出的决定,谷歌云服务决定推迟Google Cloud Next '20: Digital Connect大会。”





上周,谷歌负责全球安全的副总裁克里斯-拉科夫(Chris Rackow)称:“出于高度谨慎,为了保护Alphabet和更广泛的社区,如果你的工作岗位允许,我们现在建议你在家工作。”

根据Alphabet 2019年年报,Alphabet在全球拥有近12万名全职员工,但它没有细分每个地区的员工数量。



On Tuesday, Google said it would postpone its annual cloud next conference because of concerns about the impact of the new coronavirus outbreak, despite the company's announcement earlier this month that it would turn the conference into a full digital format, foreign media reported.

The search giant said it remained committed to the event, but said it would be held "at the right time.". Originally scheduled to be held from 6 to 8 April, the conference was mainly composed of satellite and live broadcast activities.

Alison wagonfeld, chief marketing officer of Google cloud services, said in a blog post: "considering the health and safety of our customers, partners, employees and local communities, as well as the recent decisions of federal and local governments on the new crown virus epidemic, Google cloud services decided to postpone the Google cloud next '20: Digital connect conference."

At present, the U.S. government, business and community leaders have increased efforts to prevent the spread of the virus. American schools are closed, sports events are cancelled and most public gatherings are banned.

In the San Francisco Bay area, where Google is based, the local government on Monday announced a policy of local asylum, which will last at least until April 7.

Google also canceled its annual developer conference I / O face-to-face event, the company's biggest this year.

Previously, as the new coronavirus epidemic continues to spread, alphabet, Google's parent company, recommended that all employees in North America, Europe, Africa and the Middle East work from home. The company has asked North American employees to work from home until April 10. On Wednesday, a Google spokesman confirmed that employees in other regions will work remotely from March 12 until further notice.

Last week, Chris Rackow, Google's vice president for global security, said: "out of a high degree of caution, in order to protect alphabet and the wider community, we now recommend that you work at home if your job allows."

According to alphabet's 2019 annual report, alphabet has nearly 120000 full-time employees around the world, but it does not break down the number of employees in each region.

While many companies have asked employees in some cities to work from home, or tested large-scale home-based measures, Google was one of the first to ask employees in several continents to do so.

In addition to Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook have all started encouraging Seattle employees to work from home.



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