
腾讯视频签到获取V力值脚本 - Tencent video sign in to obtain V force value script




注册网友: 同求一个


yxmss网友: https://qiandao.today   ?

6fyC8r网友: 标记一下,也许需要

老猹网友: 签到有什么

zdszf网友: 52pojie有一个

Vic网友: 我在用这个.挂了30多天了.   https://url.cn/5C5Uvfb

似毛非毛网友: 就是这个,多谢大佬

kieng网友: 这个cookie怎么获取

注册网友: v**有啥用

注册网友: START RequestId: b19ca7b9-6159-11ea-ad63-525400cdceed Event RequestId: b19ca7b9-6159-11ea-ad63-525400cdceed Starting new HTTPS connection (1): access.video.qq.com https://access.video.qq.com:443 “GET /user/auth_refresh?vappid=11059694vsecret=fdf61a6be0aad57132bc5cdf78ac30145b6cd2c1470b0cfetype=qqg_tk=16464951g_vstk=254582901g_actk=85665345callback=jQuery191003078648830860864_1583684047167_=1583684047168 HTTP/1.1” 200 309 Starting new HTTPS connection (1): vip.video.qq.com https://vip.video.qq.com:443 “GET /fcgi-bin/comm_cgi?name=hierarchical_task_systemcmd=2 HTTP/1.1” 200 73 Starting new HTTPS connection (1): sc.ftqq.com https://sc.ftqq.com:443 “GET /SCU9965T15f561823ad759c3f59e1f1de62e1b215960e491e7342.send?text=%e7%ad%be%e5%88%b0%e6%88%90%e5%8a%9f%ef%bc%8c%e8%8e%b7%e5%be%97%e5%88%86%e6%95%b0%ef%bc%9a0desp=%e7%ad%be%e5%88%b0%e6%88%90%e5%8a%9f%ef%bc%8c%e8%8e%b7%e5%be%97%e5%88%86%e6%95%b0%ef%bc%9a0 HTTP/1.1” 200 None END RequestId: b19ca7b9-6159-11ea-ad63-525400cdceed Report RequestId: b19ca7b9-6159-11ea-ad63-525400cdceed Duration:739ms Memory:128MB MemUsage:19.375MB复制代码 用你的签到py脚本.. 这个到底 有没有成功.. 看不明白了..

hooklt网友: 这不是我写的.你看看视频教程知道了.成功了有微信通知.

002网友: 没看到腾讯视频啊

kieng网友: 成功了。。登陆客户端 看成长值 签到里面 会显示已经签过了。。


Tencent video sign in to get V force value script, is there a big guy in the jar??? I saw a big guy's hair cut. Li Tianjiao: I remember a big guy who made a website of aggregation check-in. Which big guy sent it again? I collect yxmss: https://qiandao.today? 6fyc8r: mark it, maybe you need old guy: what's the use of check-in? Zdszf: 52pojie has a Vic: I'm using this. It's been hung up for more than 30 days Https://url.cn/5c5uvfb like Mao Feimao: that's it. Thanks a lot kieng: how to get the cookie registration: V * * what's the use of registration: start requestid: b19ca7b9-6159-11ea-ad63-525400cdceed event requestid: b19ca7b9-6159-11ea-ad63-525400cdceed starting new HTTPS connection (1): access.video.qq.com https://access.video.qq.com: 443 “GET /user/auth_refresh?vappid=11059694vsecret=fdf61a6be0aad57132bc5cdf78ac30145b6cd2c1470b0cfetype=qqg_tk=16464951g_vstk=254582901g_actk=85665345callback=jQuery191003078648830860864_1583684047167 _=1583684047168 HTTP/1.1” 200 309 Starting new HTTPS connection (1): vip.video.qq.com https://vip.video.qq.com:443 “GET /fcgi-bin/comm_cgi?name=hierarchical_task_system cmd=2 HTTP/1.1” 200 73 Starting new HTTPS connection (1): sc.ftqq.com https://sc.ftqq.com:443 “GET /SCU9965T15f561823ad759c3f59e1f1de62e1b215960e491e7342.send?text=%e7%ad%be%e5%88%b0%e6%88%90%e5%8a%9f%ef%bc%8c%e8%8e%b7%e5%be%97%e5%88%86%e6%95%b0%ef%bc%9a0 Ceed duration: 739ms memory: 128MB memusage: 19.375mb copy code with your check-in py Script.. this is the end I can't see if it's successful. Hooklt: it's not written by me. Just look at the video tutorial. If it's successful, there's wechat notification. 002: I haven't seen Tencent video. Kieng: it's successful.. Log in the client to see the growth value sign in and it will show that it has been signed.. Imetsu: what's the use?


本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:腾讯视频签到获取V力值脚本 - Tencent video sign in to obtain V force value script https://zhujicankao.com/5716.html

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