
关于“使用非法信道进行国际联网”的问题 香港 - On "using illegal channels for international networking" in Hong Kong


香港不是属于中国吗关于“使用非法信道进行国际联网”的问题 香港 - On

香港小鸡是不是属于国内链关于“使用非法信道进行国际联网”的问题 香港 - On


注册网友: 有思考能力就是一个错误,建议枪毙。


我是一个大水怪网友: 香港是法治社会

leonead网友: 本***解释权归******所有

吴彦祖网友: 欲加之罪,何患无辞

ApkB网友: 可以抓回内地

KirbyKFC网友: 流氓讲道理他还能是流氓吗?

tem网友: 年轻人你这样思想很危险的,敏感问题上吹毛求疵。

kindlecon网友: 抠字眼没用的,本来就不是法Z社会

网络网友: 特 别 行 政 区

forever8938网友: 特别行政区,特别!

会走路的三百块网友: 特别行政区

ziyounb网友: 香港外链接都是合法

一位不知名网友网友: 至少还有20年可以浪


注册网友: 年轻人你这样思想很危险的,敏感问题上吹毛求疵。

leonead网友: 可以抓回内地

网络网友: 这里的信道指物理信道

tem网友: 有思考能力就是一个错误,建议枪毙。

wolfewong网友: 如果讲道理有用的话。。。

我是一个大水怪网友: 欲加之罪,何患无辞

ZeNiX网友: 流氓讲道理他还能是流氓吗?

KirbyKFC网友: 一*两制   –< 你消失了我都不会消失 >–

kindlecon网友: 一国两制,你可是大陆公民

注册网友: 两套不同的法律体系,即便现在英属很多小岛还是全免税呢……英国本土并不免,美国的塞班岛对大陆人也是免签,但是美国不免签…… 扯那套说辞只能忽悠小孩子

Isn't Hong Kong part of China? 关于“使用非法信道进行国际联网”的问题 香港 - On , wpap6603003br is Hong Kong chicken part of the domestic link 关于“使用非法信道进行国际联网”的问题 香港 - On . DDO: you can connect to Hong Kong and no one cares about you. If you connect to foreign countries through Hong Kong chicken, you will have problems. I am a big water monster: Hong Kong is a legal society, leonead: the power of interpretation belongs to Wu Yanzu. If you want to add sin to it, why should you worry? Apkb: you can catch kirbykfc back to the mainland and judge it: can a rogue be a rogue? TEM: young people, you are dangerous in thinking. You are picky on sensitive issues. Kindlecon: it's useless to pick words. It's not the new social network of FAZ originally: forever8938: Special Administrative Region, special! Special Administrative Region ziyounb: Hong Kong's foreign links are all legal. An unknown netizen: there are at least 20 years to register: it's legal for you to connect Hong Kong, and it's also legal for Hong Kong's foreign countries! It's also legal for you to connect through legal channels, but if you use V2 and other channels, do you think it's legal? Sign up: young people, you are dangerous in your thinking and critical on sensitive issues. Leonead: we can get back to the mainland and judge the new network: the channel here refers to the physical channel TEM: thinking ability is a mistake, and it is recommended to shoot. Wolfewong: if reason works... I'm a big water monster: if you want to add sin to it, why bother Zenix: can a rogue be a rogue? Kirbykfc: one * two systems – ; I will not disappear if you disappear & gt; – kindlecon: one country, two systems, you are a citizen of the mainland registration: two different legal systems, even now many British islands are all tax-free It's not necessary to sign in Britain. Saipan in the United States is also free to sign for mainland people, but it's not necessary to sign in the United States You can only fool children by saying that


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