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3月19号说是2小时100%算滥用 https://hostloc.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=820371&page=1#pid10105907 3月27号说是2小时50%算滥用 实例说: |
注册说: TOS已更新 20. High Usage Policy: Any usage by Customer that disrupts the overall performance of our server(s) is not permitted. Customer agrees to operate within the PacificRack usage parameters, which are as follows: a. CPU Usage: Within 2 hours, the average utilization rate of customer service shall not be higher than 50%. b. Network Usage: Customer understands that the network is shared and utilizing maximum network speed will not always be possible. Moreover, it is not allowed to continuously use the speed port exceeding 100Mbps for a long time
6700说: 对待pr促销的正确做法应该是,发aff怂恿mjj买,过几天再骨折回收,双赢
PacificRack.com说: 不吃灰=滥用
6700说: 用了就是滥用呗
betoin说: 说是4核连1核都不如 买来有什么用?送钱?
6700说: 有些人就是贱,论坛这么多人说pr烂,可有人还是要上
小不点宠妾说: 换了魔方云面板后不被限制的话,性能还算中规中矩 要是限制那真是4核不如1核
注册说: 对待pr促销的正确做法应该是,发aff怂恿mjj买,过几天再骨折回收,双赢
CN2说: ..
6700说: TOS已更新 20. High Usage Policy: Any usage by Customer that disrupts the overall performance of our server(s) is not permitted. Customer agrees to operate within the PacificRack usage parameters, which are as follows: a. CPU Usage: Within 2 hours, the average utilization rate of customer service shall not be higher than 50%. b. Network Usage: Customer understands that the network is shared and utilizing maximum network speed will not always be possible. Moreover, it is not allowed to continuously use the speed port exceeding 100Mbps for a long time
Slime说: 你一会说50%一会说100%,到底2小时限制多少以内不是滥用?1天内限制多少以内不是滥用?
PacificRack.com说: 某客服说:不能,是否滥用,我说了算。我才是大爷,你们是孙子。
bondjames说: 买了就等于滥用 –< 就像是一场华尔街的阴谋,透露着优雅的杀戮。 —— 神探夏洛克 >–
6700说: TOS里面没有写明的,售前没有说明的额外限制,都是诈骗。
laogui说: 就是诈骗你们了怎么样,下次促销你们还是会买,从来不怕。
注册说: 但是很多商家,例如搬瓦工,斯巴达都会写明CPU限制具体是多少,而不是让用户自己去猜
注册说: 没有哪家VPS会只保底10%资源,这个属于常识。还属于商业道德底线。
6700说: 你这个我看了,长时间占用是限制到了25的专用性能,阿里还是保底15呢
mymyhope说: 开机 就属于滥用。毕竟你占用了IP资源了
PacificRack.com说: 1说:长时间占用的标准是什么。2说:阿里云哪款是保底15?
mfch666说: 阿里保底15%那是cpu积分,每小时攒够积分可以自动恢复100%性能的…问题是你是永久限制啊。
6700说: 1.长时间50往上 2.t5
PacificRack.com说: 不能写脚本达到2小时50%就限制为10% 1天再恢复之类的吗,更人性化。也省去loc的这么多争议
PacificRack.com说: 后续会评估推出的
注册说: 要是有就最好,希望不要咕咕咕
注册说: 建议TOS的CPU策略区分出单核和多核的区别,例如像斯巴达的: VPS CPU usage A VPS must not use more than 50% of the allocated cores for more than 1 hour. E.g. if the client’s VPS has 3 cores, they must not use more than 150% CPU for more than 1 hour at a time.
6700说: 不断收集整理关于 PacificRack 垃圾主机的评价
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_pr的客服能不能把滥用标准给说清楚 https://zhujicankao.com/56412.html