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电信200M宽带上传平均4MB/s 正常吗?
上传对象 电信的网盘 |
注册网友: 太正常了 我下行300 上行30
bluevm网友: 正常200M下载 上载一般只有30M
Tcf网友: 关键我下载也才4,5MB. 所以这个盘于我也没啥卵用
3gW7d7jizJS网友: 电信新套路网友:上行=下行x10%
suantong网友: 正常,一般电信就只给30M上传。
amily网友: 正常应该是3MB/s
Effervescence网友: 这就是正常的 电信都是200下 30上 30Mbps/8=3.75MByte 所以突发能最多到4MByte一秒左右。
plyu007网友: 好像开会员可以加速。
基长网友: 这是正常的老哥
注册网友: 当然正常
注册网友: 电信家宽这个算快的了吧。。不是对等的
imslc网友: 当然正常
year网友: 超过你这个数值算不正常你信吗?
Face网友: 200M上行应该是40M吧,我100M合同上是20M,实际给了30M
蝼蚁般的存在网友: 200M下行的上传是30M 4Mb/S 完全没问题 ——来自全球MJJ交流客户端
vkn网友: 很正常,下行200,上行30
_____________Cc网友: 联通下行800,上行30 的飘过
puma1999网友: 很不错了 一般上传就20M的带宽
Is the average 4MB / s of Telecom 200m broadband upload normal? The online disk users reply: Registration: too normal. I download 300, uplink 30 bluevm: normal 200m download and upload is generally only 30m TCF: the key is that I download only 4, 5MB. So this disk is not useful to me. 3gw7d7jizjs: New Telecom set: uplink = downlink X10% Suantong: normal, general Telecom only upload to 30m. Amily: normally, it should be 3MB / s differencescence: This is the normal Telecom is 200Mbps / 8 = 3.75mbyte, so the burst can be up to 4mbyte for a second. Plyu007: it seems that membership can be accelerated. Base long: This is normal elder brother register: of course normal register: Telecommunication home wide this calculate fast.. Not equivalent imslc: of course, normal year: beyond your number is not normal do you believe it? Face: the 200m uplink should be 40m, and the 100m contract is 20m, which actually gives the existence of 30m ants: the 200m downlink upload is 30m 4MB / s, no problem at all -- from the global mjj communication client vkn: very normal, down 200, up 30 \\\\\\\\\\\\\
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:电信200M宽带上传平均4MB/s 正常吗 - Is the average 4MB / s of Telecom 200m broadband upload normal https://zhujicankao.com/5581.html