
包邮出几台N1 - How many N1 are sent by parcel post


全新原封120库存23台 有颜色需求可以说  

矿渣81 单机  20台这样吧不含任何东西就是机器本体  (不帮刷机)

全新单机96 10台这样吧。 不含任何东西就是机器本体  (不帮刷机)

刷好系统的135一台 (95新) 可以代刷的系统有 YYF W大 armbian coreELEC openwrt OMV 小钢炮


普通蓝牙遥控器  15 有6个


TG: @pokoint


注册网友: 原封120有遥控器吗?

poko网友: 都发到这了,全新原封100来一个。之前拼多多七八十一堆

Eicky网友: 之前是之前咯,谁不想回到2018买茅台呢

poko网友: 拼多多120也能买,不来个mjj价?

师太网友: 原封120有遥控器吗?

poko网友: 120带遥控器就来个吧

师太网友: N1不是可以上小融吗?难道现在小融收益也不怎么样了吗

poko网友: 老板来个TG

隔壁老王网友: 我只想回2008买比特币

注册网友: 矿渣成色怎么样 矿了多久 什么颜色的

注册网友: 120带遥控器吗?

xialin网友: 老板来个TG+1,有意上个N1做旁路由提高翻嫱质量,原封有白色的么,怎么交易,快递没通的话先付全款还是定金

poko网友: 原封110咋样? 120价格没有什么优势啊 如果可以, 给我来一台, 最好是黑色,如果没有白色也可以. 广东

is.song网友: 自提嘛?自提就110.。。邮费要算钱呀

sliver网友: 包个邮费吧,最便宜的快递都行,10天到都可以

openos网友: pdd全新带电源105 你这离谱了吧

poko网友: 哪家店 求车牌

openos网友: 拼多多的原封 120 是 130 左右的价格  + 满90-9的券,确实价格差不多,不过坛友价格差不多为啥要给拼多多赚呢 而且拼多多的一些原封,有反馈是是洗干净了自己封的,其实是成色好矿机冒充

There are 23 sets of brand-new original seal 120 in stock with color demand. It can be said that 20 sets of wpap6003br slag 81 single machine do not contain anything, that is, the machine body (no brush machine) wpap6603003br brand-new single machine 96 10 sets. It doesn't contain anything. There are 135 (95 new) systems that can be used to brush the machine body (without helping the brush machine). There are 26 T1 remote controllers of YYF w large armbian coreelec openwrt OMV small steel gun, and there are 4 ones like this.. There are six ordinary Bluetooth remote control 15 that were supposed to be put in the airport for activities, but the boss didn't have time to do so. The TG came out: @ pokoint netizen reply: Register: does the original 120 have a remote control? Poko: it's all sent here. Here comes a brand new 100. Eicky: before that, who didn't want to go back to 2018 to buy Maotai poko: you can buy it even if you buy it for 120, but not for mjj? Abbess: does the original 120 have a remote control? Poko: 120 bring a remote control, abbess. Can N1 go to Xiaorong? Isn't the small financing income good now? Poko: the boss comes to a Tg next door Lao Wang: I just want to go back to 2008 to buy bitcoin registration: how is the slag color? How long is the mine color registration: 120 with remote control? Xialin: the boss came to TG + 1. He intended to use N1 as a bypass route to improve the quality of fanxi. Is there a white one in the original cover? How to deal with it? If the express delivery doesn't work, pay the full amount in advance or the deposit poko: how about the original cover 110? 120 price has no advantage. If you can, you'd better give me a black one. If you don't have a white one, you can do it. Guangdong is.song: do you bring it up by yourself? It's 110... Since I mentioned it.. How about the postage? The cheapest express delivery is all right. You can open OS: PDD with new power 105 in 10 days. Poko: which shop asks for the license plate? Openos: the original cover 120 of pinduoduo is about 130 price + 90-9 full coupons. It's true that the price is almost the same, but why do you want to earn more for pinduoduo In addition, some original seals of pinduoduo have been washed and sealed by themselves. In fact, they are good quality and fake mining machines


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