
反向代理 FODI 实现高速下载 OneDrive - Reverse proxy fodi for high speed download of onedrive


反向代理 FODI 实现高速下载 OneDrive - Reverse proxy fodi for high speed download of onedrive-主机参考

1. 什么是 FODI

Fast OneDrive Index / FODI,无需服务器的 OneDrive 快速列表程序




2. 前言

FODI 和各大 OneDrive 列表程序(如 OneIndex、PyOne、OneList 等等)一样都是只有前端跑服务器的流量(FODI 甚至可以把前端部署到GitHub Pages 完全不需要自己的服务器

而下载文件或是在线观看视频直接走的 OneDrive 的直链,也就是直接从微软的服务器上下载


然而在有的网络环境下 OneDrive 的速度非常慢,无**常下载和在线观看视频

这时候聪明的同学只需要富强就可以高速下载 OneDrive 了



你就可以使用反向代理来加速 OneDrive 了!



注册网友: 打破0回复惨案

坏鱼炒年糕网友: 支持一下 楼主   【 应该是可以的,你觉得呢 】

无处不男网友: 感谢楼主分享

孤单月色网友: 支持下楼主 写下oneindex吧

神话网友: 期待更简便的方法出现

i65u网友: 过几天写 前面步骤和文章一样 修改程序的步骤 打开 oneindex目录/lib/onedrive.php 找到并修改为 foreach((array)$data[‘value’] as $item){                                 //var_dump($item);                                 $items[$item[‘name’]] = array(                                         ‘name’=>$item[‘name’],                                         ‘size’=>$item[‘size’],                                         ‘lastModifiedDateTime’=>strtotime($item[‘lastModifiedDateTime’]),                                         ‘downloadUrl’=>str_ireplace(“截取的链接”,”反代的链接”,$item[‘@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl’]),                                         ‘folder’=>empty($item[‘folder’])?false:true                                 );                         }

wange008网友: 一共就两个步骤 反代和改程序 不能再简单了

坏鱼炒年糕网友: 喔对 直接用rclone的web也行 就是前端没这么好看

坏鱼炒年糕网友: 谢谢

注册网友: 说的好,我选择世纪互联

注册网友: 感谢楼主分享

hoofs网友: 看着不错

Antony网友: 支持楼主 –< 世界灿烂盛大,欢迎回家。——《全球高考》 &gt;–

YourLi网友: 所以Worker是彻底废了吧

WwzwW网友: 是指直接拿worker反代的吗 那个速度也太慢了。。。移动网络。。比直连还慢

三和大神网友: 收藏mark 有空学习

坏鱼炒年糕网友: 支持一下

dxxzst网友: 电信200m 不咋行啊

iMacyh网友: 感谢楼主分享,有空了就去试试

注册网友: 你这没反代只搭建了FODI吧 需要用在海外服务器或者海外线路好的国内服务器搭建反代才行

注册网友: 可以可以

坏鱼炒年糕网友: 前段部署那里一直绑定不了,布置怎么回事,哎

A23187网友: 收藏mark,感谢楼主

xyhw网友: 7k/s  还是世纪互联香

huing网友: 你这链接分明是裸连OD……

身无分文的5毛钱网友: 按照你说的,我首先需要部署FODI,然后根据你的教程一直到“上传 FODI 后端”这一步,让我复制代码粘贴进去,但是代码又要跳转一个链接到另一篇文章,然后文章不存在,搜索几个关键词愣是找不到

hanada网友: 反代od是不是同理

你爹临死前网友: 反代gd是不是同理

反向代理 FODI 实现高速下载 OneDrive - Reverse proxy fodi for high speed download of onedrive-主机参考 1. What is fodi
fast onedrive index / fodi, a server free onedrive quick listing program GitHub: https://github.com/vcheck zen/fodi
Demo: https://logi.im/fodi.html
installation method: https://logi.im/back-end/fodi-on-cloudflare.html 2. Preface
fodi and major onedrives List programs (such as oneindex, pyone, onelist, etc.) are all the same. Only the traffic of the front-end running server (fodi can even deploy the front-end to GitHub pages without needing its own server at all) can download files or watch videos online directly. That is to say, they can download files directly from the Microsoft Server This is the most attractive part of this kind of program - you can have a large sharing network disk at an ultra-low cost. However, in some network environments, onedrive is very slow. You can download and watch videos online without * * often. At this time, smart students only need to be rich and strong to download onedrive at high speed, but not all students are so smart Is there any way to solve this? ——If you are a smart student and have a idle server with large bandwidth and traffic (but small hard disk), you can use reverse proxy to speed up onedrive! For the modification method, please refer to my blog: https://nicoliconi.cc/blog/202.html reply from netizens: Registration: break 0 reply to the tragedy, bad fish, fried rice cake: support the building owner [should be OK, what do you think] everywhere: thank the building owner for sharing the lonely Moonlight: support the building owner to write down the oneindex Myth: look forward to a simpler method to appear i65u: In a few days, write the steps above and modify the program as in the article. Open oneindex directory / lib / onedrive.php, find and modify it to foreach ((array) $data [wpap63008qtevaluewpap63007qte] as $item) {/ / var_dump ($item);                                 $items[$item[‘name’]] = array(                                         ‘name’=&gt;$item[‘name’],                                         ‘size’=&gt; $item[‘size’],                                         ‘lastModifiedDateTime’=&gt;strtotime($item[‘lastModifiedDateTime’]),                                         ‘downloadUrl’=&gt; Str_ireplace ($item [‘ @ Microsoft. Graph. Downloadurl’]), ‘folder’ = & gt; empty ($item [‘folder’])? False: true             ); Wange008: there are two steps to reverse generation and change the program. It can't be simpler. Oh, it's OK to use rclone's web directly. The front end is not so beautiful. Thank you for registering. I chose Century Internet to register. Thank you for sharing hoofs. Look good Antony Support the building owner wpap630011qte ; the world is splendid and grand, welcome home. ——"Global college entrance examination" & gt; – yourli: so the worker is completely abandoned. Wwzww: does it mean directly replacing the worker? That's too slow... Mobile network.. It's three times slower than the direct link, and it's a great God: collect mark, have time to learn bad fish, stir fry rice cakes: support dxzst: it's not good for Telecom 200m, imayyh: Thank you for sharing, go and try to register when you have time: you've built fodi instead, you need to use overseas servers or domestic servers with good overseas lines to register: you can Bad fish fried rice cake: the previous deployment can't be bound there. How about the layout? Ah A23187: collect mark, thank the landlord xyhw: 7K / s or Century Internet Xianghui: your link is clearly naked od Penniless fifty cents: according to what you said, I first need to deploy fodi, and then according to your tutorial to the step of "upload fodi backend", let me copy the code and paste it in, but the code has to jump to another link to another article, and then the article does not exist, search for a few key words, but can't find Hanada: is anti od the same to your father before he dies Is anti generation GD the same


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