
有正在做、或者想做地方论坛的吗? - Is there any one that is doing or wants to be a local forum?




注册网友: 俺也在想中。。开个论坛,或 app    有几个问题? 1、不北岸可以吗,看各位大佬说北岸各种烦。还要以公司的名义开! 公司开容易,注销难! 2、以个人名义开,现实么? 3、开这些网站,app  前两三年一定是不赚钱的,(H站,波~菜) 另说,当代活雷丰!每年的,玉米费用,鸡鸡费用,大概是多少? 4、 推广网站方面,有经验?分享下,或者有什么论坛学习下 5、 防D,防C,还要自我审计网站代码中是否有后门! 6  盈利模式要想好啊! ————————–有大佬方便现在分享下经验吗

一九八四网友: 帮顶

vns网友: 可以,你是要割一波韭菜吗?

4N0NYM0U5网友: 不干!钱不好赚

一位不知名网友网友: 大家在大佬面前估计都是韭菜

民工三代网友: 完全不赚 我做了几个月 mmp 血亏

一九八四网友: 怎么北岸的呢

Idn网友: 求带

大白馒头。网友: 论坛没落了,公众号倒是可以做

注册网友: 公众号,限制多,蛋蛋在别人手里! APP 怎么样?

注册网友: APP不好推广,PC论坛已死,你的论坛可能还没一个5000人的地方微信营销号价值高,公众号结合有特色功能的小程序倒是可以

vns网友: 和我几年前的想法一样,很落伍。也不要做APP

我很忙网友: 想做啊,有啥交流方式可以一起交流一下

我日人网友: APP 不好推广  ,做什么都是不好推的! 现在的人人都拿着手机,pc当然论落了。 做app做大好再放个论坛入口。  论坛方便发贴看贴啊!

xacft网友: 说出你的故事? 我怎么觉app很好啊 是怎么推广的问题。app 是不是也有些  监管政策上的坑啊?

vns网友: 地方WB或地方公众号 现在确实不少做起来的。论坛现在还活着的都是老牌子的,新的几乎没有。

vns网友: 正在做优惠券app 拉下线

ico网友: 有些东西还是电脑网页看起来方便有趣,手机完全不是那么回事

hihelllo网友: 去年也想搞个地方论坛来的,县级市,域名都买了,至今还没做站

注册网友: 做app,用爱发电。 因为用户量少,服务器支出不大。 自己是全栈开发,前端到后台都是自己一个人开发,用国外服务器一切正常,不需要北岸审核,上线快。app只做ios,通过hk渠道收款完全绕过国内。 有正职工作,所以业余做做app,找下兴趣点。服务器还是能养得起。 不想做那些割韭菜的拉下线的应用,没兴趣。 小程序那些必须要北岸接入,还是很麻烦的。等真赚钱了再考虑转国内北岸走正规流程。产品孵化阶段没必要考虑那么多。

Forum, official account and small program can be done. Some can form a group, hold together and warm up, and work together to develop. Registration: I am also thinking.. How many questions do you have about opening a forum or app? 1. No, can we go to the north bank? I'll see you guys say that the north bank is full of troubles. But also in the name of the company! It is easy to open a company and difficult to cancel it! 2. In the name of individuals, is it realistic? 3. Open these websites, APP before two or three years is certainly not to make money, (H station, Bo ~ CAI) say another, contemporary live Lei Feng! How much is the annual cost of corn, chicken and chicken? 4. Experience in promoting websites? Sharing, or what forum to learn under 5, anti-D, anti-C, but also self audit website code whether there is a back door! 6. Think about the profit model! ———————————– is it convenient for you to share the experience now 1984: Top VNS: Yes, do you want to cut a wave of leek? 4n0nym0u5: no! Money is not easy to earn an unknown netizen: everyone in front of the big guy is estimated to be three generations of leek migrant workers: I have been making a few months of MMP blood loss 1984: how to get it from the north bank IDN: ask to bring white steamed bread. The forum is down, and the official account is registered. The official account is limited, and the eggs are in the hands of others. How about app? Registration: APP is not good enough to promote. PC forum is dead. Your forum may not have a 5000 person place. WeChat marketing number is high value. Official account with special features can be VNS: as I thought a few years ago, it is very outdated. Don't be an app either. I'm very busy: I want to do it. What kind of communication method can we have together? I'm Japanese: app is not easy to promote, and it's not easy to push anything! Now everyone has a mobile phone, and the PC is off. Make the app great and then put a forum entrance. Forum easy to post see paste ah! Xacft: tell your story? How do I think app is good? How to promote it. Are there some regulatory policy holes in app? VNS: the local WB or official account is quite a lot. The forum is still alive with old brands, but there are few new ones. VNS: making coupons app to pull off the line ICO: some things or computer web pages seem convenient and interesting, mobile phones are not so at all hihelllo: last year, I also wanted to set up a local forum, county-level cities, domain names have been bought, so far, I haven't done station registration: make app, use love to generate electricity. Because of the small number of users, the server costs little. I am full stack development, front-end to back-end is my own development, with foreign servers all normal, do not need north bank audit, online fast. App only works as IOS, and the collection through HK channel completely bypasses the domestic market. I have a regular job, so I do app in my spare time and find some interesting points. Servers are still affordable. Don't want to do those leek cutting applications, no interest. Small programs that have to be connected to the north bank are still very troublesome. After making money, we will consider the normal process of transferring to the North Bank of China. There is no need to think so much about the product incubation stage.


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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:有正在做、或者想做地方论坛的吗? - Is there any one that is doing or wants to be a local forum? https://zhujicankao.com/5504.html

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