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用这个脚本里的1和2成功!韩国的速度不错啊! ———————————– wget –no-check-certificate -O shadowsocks-all.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddysun/shadowsocks_install/master/shadowsocks-all.sh chmod +x shadowsocks-all.sh ./shadowsocks-all.sh 2>1 | tee shadowsocks-all.log |
allen314网友: 速度不错。。。来个地址吧,我测试速度一般呢
千牛网友: 的确不错 酸酸**真好喝 http://liuliu-fftie.run.goorm.io 不知道能多久的
allen314网友: 速度确实不错,问题老掉线啊……除非开会员——
千牛网友: 不挂后台(就是run的界面)不到20多分钟就掉线,如果一个后台挂着,大约四五个小时,需要刷新网页,否则掉线
lpssxs网友: 我挂着run界面的 ServerStatus一直生效的 好像已经一个小时了。等明早起来再说
Use 1 and 2 in this script successfully! Korea's speed is good!
wget –no-check-certificate -O shadowsocks-all.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddysun/shadowsocks_install/master/shadowsocks-all.sh
Chmod + X shadowlocks-all.sh wpap6003br. / shadowlocks-all.sh 2 & gt; & 1 | tee shadowlocks-all.log... Let's take an address. My test speed is average. Blownow: it's done by myself, and there's no limit. Qianniu: it's really good and sour * * it's good to drink http://liuliu-fft.run.gorm.io. I don't know how long Allen 314 can last: the speed is really good, the problem is always falling off the line Unless open member - ncnc: has the big guy ever tested the frequency of this disconnection? Cherbim: how to keep online forever? Qianniu: drop the line in less than 20 minutes without setting up the background (that is, the run interface). If a background is set up, about four or five hours, you need to refresh the web page. Otherwise, drop the line lpssxs: it seems that the serverstatus of the run interface has been in effect for an hour. Wait until tomorrow morning
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:GOORM 可以用的酸酸**脚本 - Acid * * script that Gorm can use https://zhujicankao.com/5458.html