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# !/bin/bash -x 我执行 bash running.sh 1 的时候,rundate.log里会自动写入日期,但是root根目录并没有创建 xxx 文件,把上述里的bash mkdir xxx代码替换成 bash acme.sh —renew-all ,我去acme.sh.log日志里看也没有最新执行时间。 |
注册网友: 不好意思,我在家里没有使用电脑上网,孩子在上课用。所以没及时回复你的信息。 1、bash mkdir xxx 这一行你的使用有错误,bash是脚本执行命令,mkdir是创建目录或文件命令,你把bash去掉就生效了。 2、sed -i “4s/[0-9] [0-9] * /$curr_run_time/” mkdir xxx 这一行里因为你一次运行了两个命令,所以也不会生效,正确的用法是 sed -i “4s/[0-9] [0-9] * /$curr_run_time/” mkdir xxx 或者你分段来运行 sed -i “4s/[0-9] [0-9] * /$curr_run_time/” mkdir xxx
cyclists网友: 不就是个定期申请证书吗,用搞的这么复杂吗,一大堆现成的不用?
Ruclinux网友: MJJ在于折腾,乐趣
h2o网友: 我觉得你多echo几句应该可以搞定的。。。。我只是格式化了一下代码
cyclists网友: 大佬牛皮,有啥解决方案吗?
千牛网友: 付费请人得解
cyclists网友: 知识盲区!
xcy1020网友: 这个脚本的正式调试方法是 通过修改rundate.log文件里的|左右的信息来调试 当当前的时间(年月日)=rundate.log文本里的年月日,脚本是不会生效的,你把rundate.log里的|右边的日期改一个数,只要不与现行时间的日数相同,脚本就会生效了。
Thanks to the 12 floor guy in the previous post for writing a script for me. Because of his work, it's not convenient to disturb others often. # !/bin/bash -x
# filename: running.sh
curr_run_time=`date +%s`
ni=$(date +20%y-%m-%d)
if [ ! -n “${1}” ]; then
echo “Please enter a specified value”
if [ ! -f “${phat}” ]; then
touch “${phat}”
echo -e “1|${ni}” > “${phat}”
i=$(cat “${phat}” | sed ‘/^/s*$/d’ | awk -F “|” ‘{ print $1 }’)
ii=$(cat “${phat}” | sed ‘/^/s*$/d’ | awk -F “|” ‘{ print $2 }’)
if [ “${ii}” != “${ni}” ]; then
if [ “${i}” != “${value}” ]; then
echo -e “${li}|${ni}” > “${phat}”
bash mkdir xxx
sed -i “4s/[0-9] [0-9] * /$curr_run_time/” mkdir xxx
echo -e “1|${ni}” > “${phat}”
fi when I execute bash running.sh 1, the date will be automatically written in the rundate.log, but the root directory does not create the XXX file. Replace the bash MKDIR XXX code in the above with bash acme.sh-renew-all. I go to acme.sh.log to see the latest execution time. Can you help me to have a look? Sorry, I didn't use the computer to surf the Internet at home, and the child was using it in class. So I didn't reply to your message in time. 1. Bash MKDIR XXX is wrong in your use. Bash is a script command, and MKDIR is a command to create a directory or file. If you remove bash, it will take effect. 2. Sed - I “4s / [0-9] [0-9] * / $curr_run_time / ” MKDIR XXX will not take effect because you run two commands at a time. The correct usage is sed - I “4s / [0-9] [0-9] * / $curr_run_time / ” & ; MKDIR XXX or you can run sed - I “4s / [0-9] [0-9] * / $curr_run_time / ” MKDIR XXX cyclists in sections: isn't it just a regular certificate application? Is it so complicated? A lot of ready-made ones are not used? Ruclinux: mjj is about tossing. I think you can do it with a few more words of echo.... I just formatted the code cyclists: what's the solution? Qianniu: the payer has to understand cyclists: knowledge blind area! Xcy1020: the official debugging method of this script is to debug by modifying the information in the rundate.log file. When the current time (MM DD YY) = MM DD YY in the rundate.log text, the script will not take effect. You change the date on the right side of rundate.log to a number. As long as it is not the same as the current time, the script will take effect.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:再次求助,SH 脚本大佬进来看看我这个是啥问题! - Ask for help again, SH script big guy comes in to see what problem this is! https://zhujicankao.com/5415.html