
華為補貼湖北上班員工 最高每天補助2000元 - Huawei subsidizes Hubei employees up to 2000 yuan per day


2000 yuan per day for Wuhan employees of Huawei

Recently, Huawei employees posted that each person working in Wuhan Research Institute will be subsidized 2000 yuan (starting from 1.23, ending on the date when Hubei released the termination of the epidemic), 1000 yuan in other areas outside Hubei, and 150 dollars a day overseas. Tiger smell asked Huawei's internal staff to confirm that the news was true. In novel coronavirus pneumonia, the other side also provided details: HUAWEI went to the new Hubei crown pneumonia medical treatment designated hospital and the fever clinic and other dangerous areas to carry out emergency communication engineering support, and the battle crew was 2000 yuan per person per day. The warfighters who participate in the business continuity related projects on the site in Hubei Province, as well as the warfighters who support the on-site emergency communication engineering in the hazardous isolation area issued by the government, are 1000 yuan per person per day. Except for novel coronavirus pneumonia hospitals in other provinces and cities outside Hubei Province, the number of people who have been released to the new crown pneumonia hospital for emergency communication engineering is 1000 yuan per person per day, and the overseas epidemic countries are 150 dollars per person per day.

The other side also stressed that at present, other employees of Huawei's Wuhan branch are telecommuting, only the above employees, because to guarantee key business (such as communication engineering), on-site office is required.

華為補貼湖北上班員工 最高每天補助2000元 - Huawei subsidizes Hubei employees up to 2000 yuan per day


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