
網上問診、無接觸購葯……我們的看病方式正被顛覆? - Online consultation, contactless drug purchase Is our way of seeing a doctor being subverted?


  中新網北京3月6日電 題:網上問診、無接觸購葯……我們的看病方式正被顛覆?
Beijing, March 6, China News: online consultation, contactless drug purchase Is our way of seeing a doctor being subverted?

Reporter: Zhang Ni

Online consultation, extra prescription, contactless drug purchase, online medical insurance reimbursement A novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has led to the "online medical treatment" which has entered many people's lives.

  5日,《中共中央 國務院 關於深化醫療保障制度改革的意見》公布,文件提到支持“互聯網+醫療”等新服務模式發展。近期,國家醫保局、國家衛健委也發文明確,符合條件的“互聯網+”複診服務可納入醫保基金支付範圍。
5, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's opinions on deepening the reform of the medical security system announced that the document referred to the development of new service models, such as Internet plus medical care. Recently, the national health insurance agency and the National Health Council have also been civilized. Eligible Internet plus visits can be included in the payment scope of the medical insurance fund.

A series of important policy signals released, let the internet medical topic be focused by public opinion again: in the Internet era, people's medical treatment will also be subverted?

網上問診、無接觸購葯……我們的看病方式正被顛覆? - Online consultation, contactless drug purchase Is our way of seeing a doctor being subverted?-主机参考 2月26日,南京市第一醫院心血管內科醫生們對患者進行網絡問診。中新社記者 泱波 攝
on February 26, cardiovascular physicians of Nanjing No.1 Hospital conducted online consultation for patients. Photo by Yang Bo, reporter of China News Agency

"Homestead anti epidemic" Internet medical treatment with fire

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia has broken many people's original pace of life.

For more than a month, the whole people "Homestead" to fight the epidemic, the hospital has become a high-risk area, for those who have the demand for medical medicine, it has become a difficult thing to see a doctor and buy medicine.

In order to reduce the risk of infection, some patients turn their attention to internet medical treatment. In a special period, "no contact" Internet medical treatment has become a more efficient and convenient choice.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia is not available. According to incomplete statistics, at least 10 Internet Medical platforms launched online inquiry pages nationwide, and more than 200 public hospitals have launched new crown pneumonia free Internet treatment or online consultation.

For exle, the Internet plus medical platform, such as ping Hao Hao, Hao doctor online, Jingdong health, has launched online inquiring, voluntary consultation, online purchase of drugs and other services, relieving the pressure of insufficient medical resources in the entity medical institutions. Good doctor online novel coronavirus pneumonia, Jingdong health and Ali health platform also provide quick inquiring services for new crown pneumonia.

In addition, the third party prescription transfer service platform is easy to re visit, and it also provides solutions for Internet hospitals and official account services such as China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and other hospitals in the country. It helps medical institutions to provide patients with services such as line review, zero contact drug purchase and so on through public platform.

The Internet plus medical clothing also played a positive role in Wuhan, the most serious epidemic.

Before that, Wuhan Medical Insurance Bureau quickly opened medical insurance payment for micro medical Internet general hospital. The Internet hospital can provide on-line diagnosis, out of prescription, online payment and off-line drug delivery on-site services for the insured of Wuhan outpatient serious (chronic) diseases.

In addition, all the doctors gathered on the platform can help Wuhan through the platform.

網上問診、無接觸購葯……我們的看病方式正被顛覆? - Online consultation, contactless drug purchase Is our way of seeing a doctor being subverted?-主机参考 資料圖:互聯網醫院的長三角遠程聯合門診和病房視頻探視功能輻射多地患者。 晏雪鳴 攝
data chart: Internet hospital's long-distance joint outpatient and ward video visit function radiates multiple patients. Photographed by Yan Xueming

"Blowout" growth of online consultation demand

It is worth noting that during the outbreak, the demand for online consultation also experienced a "blowout" growth.

Taking public hospitals as an exle, 28 hospitals in Shenzhen opened online consultation services during the epidemic prevention and control period.

Data show that novel coronavirus pneumonia has reached 6607 people in Shenzhen online hospital as of February 25th, and the total number of electronic prescriptions has reached 5866. Online consultation has reached 147 thousand passengers. Among them, the total number of new crown pneumonia consultation reached 82 thousand, accounting for 56%.

At the same time, the internet medical platform is also popular with patients.

For exle, Ping an good doctor app shows that during the epidemic period, as of February 25, Ping an good doctor has provided more than 8 million visits.

According to the online data of gooddoctor, from January 22 to February 25, the total online flow of gooddoctor reached 264 million, and the total number of inquiries exceeded 4.26 million, of which pneumonia accounted for 20%.

In addition, since February 1, on average, there are 24500 doctors online consultation every day on gooddoctor online, a 24% increase on a month on month basis and a 278% increase on a month on month basis for users.

網上問診、無接觸購葯……我們的看病方式正被顛覆? - Online consultation, contactless drug purchase Is our way of seeing a doctor being subverted?-主机参考 資料圖:導醫演示用社保卡就診。 韓章雲 攝
Wpap6023602 img data chart: medical guidance demonstration with social security card. Photo by Han Zhangyun

Accelerated implementation of policy: online medical treatment can be reimbursed

In the special period, people's demand for online consultation surged, and they felt the convenience and quickness in the experience, and the favorable policies were also accelerating the implementation.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been issued by the state health insurance agency and the National Health Council in recent days to carry out the "Internet plus" medical insurance service during the period of promoting the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia.

The document proposes that the designated medical institutions that have approved the establishment of Internet hospitals or approved the internet medical treatment activities by the health and health administration department shall, after voluntary agreement, sign a supplementary agreement with the regional health insurance agencies, and provide the Internet plus "return visit" service for the insured to the common health care and chronic diseases, which can be included in the payment scope of the medical insurance fund.

It is generally understood that when the conditions are met, online medical treatment of patients can be included in the medical insurance reimbursement. This is also considered by the outside world to be a key step to accelerate the internet medical insurance.

  3月5日,《中共中央 國務院 關於深化醫療保障制度改革的意見》公布,文件強調將符合條件的醫藥機構納入醫保協議管理範圍,支持“互聯網+醫療”等新服務模式發展。
In March 5th, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued opinions on deepening the reform of the medical security system. The document stressed that the qualified medical institutions should be included in the scope of the medical insurance agreement management, and support the development of new service mode, such as Internet plus medical care.

In fact, the work of promoting Internet plus medical services has been in progress. In August 2019, the National Health Insurance Bureau issued the guidance on improving the policy of "Internet plus" medical service prices and medical insurance payment.

The guidance is aimed at reasonably determining and dynamically adjusting the price and medical insurance payment policies, and supporting the "Internet plus" in playing a positive role in achieving the cross regional mobility of high-quality medical resources, promoting the reduction of medical services, increasing efficiency and fairness, improving patient's experience in medical treatment, and restructuring the competitive relationship in medical market.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, online diagnosis and treatment has played a more prominent role, which has accelerated the implementation of internet medical services into the medical insurance payment policy.

On February 26, Wuhan Medical Insurance Bureau opened medical insurance payment for micro medical Internet general hospital, which became the first platform type Internet hospital in Wuhan to be included in medical insurance payment.

In March 2nd, Beijing completed the first single Internet plus reimbursement, and the patient achieved "online referral" without leaving home.

"The rapid follow-up of policies will further clear the obstacles for the development of Internet health care and make it easier to pay, which will make the operability of Internet health care more accessible." Ma Guanglei, Deputy Secretary General of China Pharmaceutical Business Association and general manager of Yi's future visit, said in an interview with zhongxin.com.

網上問診、無接觸購葯……我們的看病方式正被顛覆? - Online consultation, contactless drug purchase Is our way of seeing a doctor being subverted?-主机参考 資料圖:一位患者在指導下使用人臉識別系統預約專家號。 王廣兆 攝
Wpap6024602 img data: a patient uses face recognition system to make an appointment with an expert number under the guidance. Photograph by Wang Guangzhao

Can online consultation alleviate the "difficulty of seeing a doctor"?

Under the epidemic situation, internet medical treatment has solved many patients' medical problems. In the view of experts in the industry, with the increase of the acceptance of online medical treatment, its impact may be more far-reaching.

Ma Guanglei said in the interview that patients can effectively solve the problem of "going to hospital for medicine" through the Internet hospital for further consultation and drug purchase, at the same time, reduce the patients coming to the hospital, relieve the outpatient pressure of the hospital, release more medical resources, and improve the patients' sense of access to the hospital.

However, there are still many problems to be solved if we want to make online medical treatment a normal and break the ice for internet medical treatment.

Internet plus CEO Wang Internet, a good doctor, said that the pharmaceutical industry has its own characteristics. "Internet + medicine", "Internet plus medicine" and "Internet plus insurance" have been very complicated and mutually compatible.

He stressed that the opinions of the two ministries only opened a door to spring, but how to go to the depths of flowers is still an unfinished task, in which supervision and control of fees are the key and difficult points.

"For exle, how to avoid the overuse caused by the convenience of the Internet, how to prevent the fraudulent insurance behavior of fictitious medical services, how to integrate the centralized purchase of drugs by the state into online medical insurance, etc., all need the government, hospitals, platforms and the society to work together, take their own responsibilities, and give the answers in constant innovation." Wang Hang said.

Ma Guanglei also said that measures should not only promote the development of Internet health care, but also avoid the existence of some chaos.

For exle, Internet health care currently only allows the re diagnosis of some common and chronic diseases, but there is no clear definition of how to determine the re diagnosis. In addition, how to further determine the method and content of drug purchase without meeting, how to implement the specific way of drug purchase, and how to avoid the behavior of unprovoked follow-up and unprovoked drug purchase also need to be studied.

Ma Guanglei said that if we want to carry out Internet medical treatment on a large scale, we must grasp the principles of online and offline consistency and linkage.

He stressed that prescription authenticity is the basic principle of "follow-up by prescription", "selling drugs by prescription" and "reimbursement by prescription". The key to implement the policy lies in the whole process traceability of prescription information, electronic medical record information and settlement information, which also lays the foundation for the further development of Online medicine.

"We should take medical institutions and medical behaviors as a whole, combine medical treatment, medicine and medical insurance, and achieve" three medical linkage ", otherwise it will be difficult to use them on a large scale." Ma said. (end)


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