



I am a spyware software developer.

16/05/2020 – On this day I hacked your OS and got full access to
your account

I sent this message from your account

The hacking was carried out using a hardware vulnerability
through which you went online.
I went around the security system in the router,
installed an exploit there.
When you went online, my exploit downloaded my malicious
code (rootkit) to your device.
Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures
every 3 hours so that your antivirus is silent.

Since then I have been following you (I can connect to
your device via the VNC protocol).
That is, I can see absolutely everything that you do,
view and download your files and any data to yourself.
I also have access to the camera on your device,
and I periodically take photos and videos with you.

At the moment, I have harvested a solid dirton you…
I saved all your email and chats from your messangers.
I also saved the entire history of the sites you visit.

I know what you like adult sites.
Oh, yes… I’m know your secret life, which you are
hiding from everyone.
I took photos and videos of your most passionate funs
with adult content, and synchronized them in real
time with the image of your camera.
Believe it turned out very high quality!

I’m sure you dont want to show these files and
visiting history to all your contacts.

Transfer $500 to my Bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet:


Just copy and paste the wallet number when transferring.
If you do not know how to do this – ask Google.

My system automatically recognizes the transfer.
As soon as the specified amount is received, all your
data will be destroyed from my server, and the rootkit
will be automatically removed from your system.

Good luck!


注册: 勒索。。。

不要搞我啊: 能不能搞点中文

motao: 这么牛批的吗

盯裆猫: I am very happy to contact you for this business transaction.Please kindly get back to me via this email: mrchenhk220@gmail.com for us to achieve success and secure a good future for our families.

chinayang: 我也收到了,可关键是我电脑没有摄像头,连屏幕都没有,都是开机后远程连接使用的,不知道他用了什么黑科技控制了我那个根本不存在的摄像头

不要搞我啊: 连收两封诈骗邮件

collector: 我知道您喜欢成  人   网     站。 哦,是的…我知道你的秘密生活,你是 对所有人躲起来。 我拍了您最热情的娱乐的照片视频 与**

不要搞我啊: 我注册virmach@88.com,被别人买走了,不敢用他家,指不定把你免费注册邮箱卖了

fule: 88邮箱账号取得好,勒索诈骗少不了

注册: 为什么国外的人会信这种钓鱼邮件

注册: 被人勒索了,要500刀

pythonworld: webmaster@88.com  回去勒索完美

身份证: 我没收到!说明我确实是好人

docin: 而且这个邮箱及对应的阿里小号都没拿去注册其它东西,都是吃灰的,发邮件怎么知道这个邮箱的?

llmwxt: 另一个邮箱就更过分了,9封邮件,除了最初完美发过来的,其它8封都是MJJ的邮件居然回复所有收件人

不要搞我啊: 我就收到两封日文邮件

不要搞我啊: 为什么没人买我的,你确定这个是你注册的??

chinayang: 可能是没有成熟的过滤机制吧。 反正都是钓鱼邮件,信了你就输了



本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_88邮箱账号取得好,结果…… https://zhujicankao.com/41533.html

【腾讯云】领8888元采购礼包,抢爆款云服务器 每月 9元起,个人开发者加享折上折!
转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » 便宜国外vps论坛_88邮箱账号取得好,结果……

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