主机参考:VPS测评参考推荐/专注分享VPS服务器优惠信息!若您是商家可以在本站进行投稿,查看详情!此外我们还提供软文收录、PayPal代付、广告赞助等服务,查看详情! |
我们发布的部分优惠活动文章可能存在时效性,购买时建议在本站搜索商家名称可查看相关文章充分了解该商家!若非中文页面可使用Edge浏览器同步翻译!PayPal代付/收录合作 |
Wow! Thousands of you have joined us in the last 48 hours! Welcome to OneVPS – you’ve just found the world’s best and most affordable VPS. The CHAT99 code was meant to only give customers 99% off their first month, and not their entire plan. We’re aware the code has been leaked on social media and due to a technical error, it’s given 99% off all billing cycles. We want you all to enjoy using OneVPS and to get the best deal possible for your VPS. We will honour the promotion by giving you 99% off your first month with us. After your first month, you will receive an invoice with the respective amount owed. If you decide to continue, you have the option to do so then. In the meantime, your VPS service will remain fully active! We’re sure you’re going to love it here. If you have any questions, please contact our support team via our website. |
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