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In the morning of March 23, Beijing time, according to Reuters, Facebook announced that it would reduce the quality of video streaming on its platform and instagram in Europe, which was a positive response of the US technology giant to the call of the EU. Not long ago, novel coronavirus broke out in Europe and many people were forced to work at home. The European Union called on technology companies to take corresponding measures to avoid congestion caused by the surge of users.
Earlier this week, Netflix, YouTube under alphabet, Disney, Amazon and apple said they would cut video quality on their platforms to ease the pressure on broadband networks.
欧盟产业主管蒂埃里·布雷顿(Thierry Breton)呼吁流媒体平台释放带宽,为那些因学校暂时停学而被送回家的数千名儿童提供远程教育和医疗。
Thierry Breton, the EU's head of industry, has called for streaming platforms to free up bandwidth and provide distance education and medical care to thousands of children sent home because of school suspensions.
Although European telecom operators say their networks have so far been able to cope with rising data traffic. But as more novel coronavirus pandemic is working at home, people are worried that the Internet will be congested.
"In order to help ease any possible network congestion, we will temporarily reduce the bit rate of video on Facebook and instagram platforms in Europe," a Facebook spokesman said in a statement
A person familiar with the matter said the move would continue as long as European concerns about possible congestion on the Internet did not disappear for a day.
Both Netflix and Youtube said they would reduce the quality of their pictures within 30 days. Disney, on the other hand, said the company's launch next week of its Disney + service would reduce overall bandwidth utilization by at least 25% across Europe (compared with the previous).
Amazon said it is currently reducing bit rate speeds across Europe, but continues to monitor network conditions in the United States and other countries and regions. If there are any broadband problems, Amazon will also take action in other regions. Amazon Prime provides services in more than 200 countries around the world, with more than 150 million users. A spokesman for Amazon said: "we have started to work to reduce the bitrate of streaming media, while trying to maintain a high quality streaming media experience for our users."
苹果也降低了Apple TV Plus在欧洲的流媒体质量,这一举措最早被9to5Mac报道。去年11月3日发布时,苹果的流媒体服务因其超高的比特率而受到称赞,但现如今,9to5Mac发现该平台上的视频质量下降的非常明显。
Apple also reduced the streaming quality of Apple TV Plus in Europe, an initiative first reported by 9to5mac. When it was released on November 3 last year, Apple's streaming service was praised for its ultra-high bit rate, but now, 9to5mac finds that the video quality on the platform has declined significantly.
Generally speaking, in fixed and mobile networks, streaming video can account for two-thirds of the traffic. At present, novel coronavirus is being transmitted, and more and more people are required to stay at home, so the network impact will continue to be concerned. Nielsen believes that in some cases, "staying at home" may lead to an increase of nearly 60% in the number of content we watch. "At the same time, more and more demand will be the cause of network congestion.
这意味着Netflix和Prime Video等流媒体服务、YouTube和Twitch等其他视频平台以及在线游戏都将影响宽带速度,这对那些在家工作的人和使用视频会议工具(如Zoom)参加在线课程的学生带来了很大的网络压力。
This means that streaming services such as Netflix and prime video, other video platforms such as youtube and twitch, and online games will affect broadband speed, which puts a lot of network pressure on those who work at home and students who take online courses using video conferencing tools such as zoom.
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