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In December, Amazon, the leader in the cloud computing industry, filed a lawsuit against the Pentagon, accusing it of giving Microsoft a $10 billion contract for cloud computing services, and asking the Pentagon to suspend the project. In February, a federal judge suspended Microsoft's execution of the cloud computing contract and launched an investigation accordingly. On Tuesday, Amazon said the Pentagon was trying to limit censorship.
According to Amazon court documents released on Tuesday, the U.S. government guided Microsoft to provide the lowest price of the contract by "Jerry newt" (a political term in the United States that manipulates the election by unfair division of constituency boundaries, so that the voting results are beneficial to one party).
The filing follows a recent decision by judge Patricia Cbell Smith to suspend the joint venture's efforts to define infrastructure projects until Amazon's allegations of violations are reviewed.
The Pentagon has sought to suspend the interim court proceedings, suggesting it needs more time to reconsider some aspects of the project, including a review of Amazon's alleged unfair price assessment. Some analysts believe the move could include both Amazon and Microsoft in the deal.
Although the Pentagon and Amazon have publicly announced their positions, Microsoft has kept a low profile and said they believe the Department of defense has made the right decision, including reconsidering its factors. The Pentagon spokesman said the Defense Department believes the contract is based on fairness and justice, and their goal is to provide support to government personnel as soon as possible, subject to compliance with the law and the courts.
提交此文件之前,帕特里夏.坎贝尔.史密斯(Patricia Cbell-Smith)法官最近作出了一项裁决,该裁决要求搁置联合企业定义基础设施项目的工作,直到对亚马逊关于违规行为的指控进行审查为止。
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