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What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud server and traditional server? In fact, there is no concept of "cloud" in the server itself, just because there is no unified understanding of "cloud computing" in the industry, there is no way to call a certain type of server "cloud server". The "cloud server" claimed by device manufacturers is nothing more than that it is more suitable for a certain type of (note, only a certain type) cloud computing services. So if we have to sum up the characteristics of the servers that are suitable for cloud computing services, it is "high efficiency and low cost".
Because the server needs memory, hard disk and CPU to form a server. The cloud server puts all the required resources into a large resource pool, extracts them on demand and uses them on demand. Here are four big points for you.
The hardware configuration of ECS can be flexibly configured and expanded according to the needs (network configuration in different periods), such as CPU, memory, SSD data disk. However, the expansion of traditional servers is troublesome and the deployment is tedious.
2. Performance
The cloud service environment adopts high-end servers for deployment and centralized management and monitoring to ensure stable and reliable business. More powerful virtual machine performance, the overall performance is far higher than VPS, stronger than some independent servers.
3. Data security
Virtual machine has data backup function. Even if there is a problem with the hardware, the data will not be affected or lost. It only needs later normal maintenance and operation and maintenance, and this is maintained by cloud service providers. Even if there is a problem in website operation, it will automatically transfer to its machine, and hacker attack will be very difficult.
4. Expenditure cost
Cloud server supports monthly payment and annual payment, flexible billing method, no deposit, and flexible expansion on demand. It only needs to pay for the storage capacity, computing capacity and resources used, and it can buy as much as it needs, which will not cause waste of resources. However, traditional server leasing needs to pay a lot of fees at one time, which is generally calculated by half a year.
After reading the above, do you know the advantages and disadvantages of cloud server and traditional server? If you want to learn more, welcome to billion speed cloud.
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- 搬瓦工VPS,限量款套餐补货,美国CN2 GIA/日本软银/荷兰AS9929,1Gbps超大高端网络线路,KVM虚拟架构,1核1G内存1Gbps带宽,80美元/年,机房可随意切换
- 恒创科技,全场3折优惠起,免备案香港VPS云服务器低至28元/月,香港/美国,新增多款特价服务器,1核1G内存5Mbps带宽不限流量,292元/年
- 搬瓦工,日本VPS云服务器测评报告,日本CN2 GIA高端线路大带宽VPS测评,搬瓦工VPS测评,搬瓦工VPS好不好?搬瓦工VPS值得购买吗?
- HostDare,网络星期一特别优惠,海外便宜VPS云服务器低至6.5折,美国洛杉矶机房,CN2 GT网络,KVM虚拟架构,1核756M内存50Mbps带宽,25.99美元/月
- PacificRack,黑色星期五特别优惠,美国便宜VPS云服务器低至1折,美国洛杉矶QN自营机房,KVM虚拟架构,2核4G内存100Mbps带宽,仅15美元/年,约1.25美元/月
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:云服务器与传统服务器的优缺点对比 https://zhujicankao.com/12767.html