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1:节点缓存 个节点具备高速写固态硬盘SSD存储,配合SSD加速能力,大幅减少用户访问等待时间,提高可用性。2:精确调度 自主研发的调度系统,单机支持百万级别域名调度3:多场景的业务支持,多配件配合服务 不论您的站点属于门户资讯类网站、多媒体视音频类网站、游戏类网站或是移动应用类APP等等,CDN会智能分配调度域提供针对需求的业务支持,全面为您的站点提速4:自助式管理 自助式控制台,自定义配置分钟级全节点智能部署5:实时监控 自助式控制台,自定义配置分钟级全节点智能部署
1: Nodes cache nodes with high-speed write SSD storage, combined with SSD acceleration ability, greatly reduce user access waiting time and improve availability. 2: Precise scheduling of self-developed scheduling system, single machine support million level domain name scheduling 3: multi scenario business support, multi parts cooperation service No matter your site belongs to portal information website, multimedia video and audio website, game website or mobile application app, CDN will intelligently allocate scheduling domain to provide business support for your needs, comprehensively speed up your site 4: self-service management self-service console, custom configuration minute level all node intelligent deployment 5: real-time monitoring Self service console, custom configuration minute level all node intelligent deployment