


    勒索软件的加密方式           spora勒索软件加密方式       以上加密方式的说明: 1   RSA 加密方式为非对称加密,需要公钥和私钥各不相同。AES对称加密,加密解密使用同一个密钥。 2  spora勒索软件, 产生一对RSA公钥这里命名为主机RSA密钥,产生一个AES密钥,命名为主机AES密钥,     针对每个加密文件产生文件独有的AES密钥,命名文件AES密钥。 3 spora勒索软件生成的key文件由硬编码RSA公钥加密后的主机AES和主机AES加密后的主机RSA私钥组成。key文件需要上传给***者才能解密。 4 主机RSA加密后的文件AES密钥一同写入了被加密的文件中。   解密过程:   1   ***者使用RSA私钥解密硬编码RSA公钥加密过的主机AES密钥,得到主机AES密钥 2   使用主机AES解密主机AES加密过的主机RSA私钥,得到主机RSA私钥 3   主机RSA私钥解密由主机RSA公钥加密过文件AES,得到文件AES密钥 4   文件AES密钥解密被文件AES加密过的文件,得到解密后的文件。

The encryption method of ransomware: spora encryption method of ransomware: 1. RSA encryption method is asymmetric, which requires different public key and private key. AES symmetric encryption, encryption and decryption use the same key. 2. Spora blackmail software generates a pair of RSA public keys named as host RSA key, generates an AES key, named as host AES key, generates a unique AES key for each encrypted file, and names the file AES key. The key file generated by spora ransomware consists of the host AES encrypted by hard coded RSA public key and the host RSA private key encrypted by host AES. The key file needs to be uploaded to the user to be decrypted. 4. The AES key of the encrypted file of host RSA is written to the encrypted file. Decryption process: 1. The user decrypts the AES key of the host encrypted by the hard coded RSA public key with the RSA private key, and obtains the AES key of the host. 2. Decrypts the RSA private key of the host encrypted by the host AES, and obtains the RSA private key of the host. 3. Decrypts the RSA private key of the host encrypted by the host RSA public key, and obtains the AES key of the file The file AES key decrypts the file encrypted by the file AES and obtains the decrypted file.



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