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What are the differences between Linux and CentOS? Many people don't know much about it. In order to let you know more about Linux and CentOS, today's editor has summarized the following contents for you. Let's look down.
The difference and connection between Linux and CentOS:
1. CentOS is an operating system based on Linux.
2. Linux belongs to kernel system, only terminal command interface, no graphic interface.
3. CentOS has both terminal command interface and graphic interface.
4. Linux and CentOS are both open source systems.
Generally speaking, we usually say that Linux refers to the Linux system kernel, and CentOS is the Linux distribution system.
The Linux distribution system is what we often call the Linux operating system, which is a collection product of Linux kernel and various commonly used software. There are hundreds of Linux system versions around the world, including RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.
The differences between Linux and CentOS will be shared here. Of course, it's not only the above analysis methods, but also the accuracy of small editing can be guaranteed. Hope that the above content can have a certain reference value for you, can learn to apply. If you like this article, you can share it for more people to see.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:linux和centos有哪些区别?linux、centos介绍 https://zhujicankao.com/12227.html