
Kubernetes托管服务Amazon EKS在AWS宁夏、北京区域正式商用


3月13日,AWS今日宣布Amazon EKS(Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service)现已在由宁夏西部云数据技术有限公司运营的AWS中国(宁夏)区域及北京光环新网科技股份有限公司运营的AWS中国(北京)区域正式商用。 

Amazon EKS是一项完全托管服务,让客户可以使用AWS上的Kubernetes轻松部署、管理和扩展容器化的应用程序,不必管理底层基础设施。

AWS全球副总裁及大中华区执行董事张文翊表示,“越来越多的客户选择在AWS上运行容器、运行Kubernetes。Amazon EKS在AWS中国(宁夏)区域和AWS中国(北京)区域推出,可以方便中国区域的客户使用这一高可用、容错的托管式Kubernetes服务。他们可以更专注于开发应用,而不用花费时间和精力在底层基础架构上。我们非常高兴能够不断地为中国区域的客户带来更多先进的云技术。”

据介绍,在Amazon EKS发布之前,要运行具有高可用性的Kubernetes集群,需要专业知识,要做大量工作。客户需要跨多个可用区(AZ)设置Kubernetes管理基础架构,替换不正常的基础架构,在不会引起停机的情况下执行升级。

Amazon EKS消除了这种复杂性,并交付了可供生产环境使用的架构,该架构可跨多个可用区自动运行Kubernetes管理基础架构,消除单点故障。Amazon EKS自动检测并替换不正常的节点,为管理基础架构打补丁,并且按需执行版本升级。这使得由Amazon EKS管理的Kubernetes基础架构具有弹性,即使丢失整个可用区也能正常运行。

同时,Amazon EKS消除了集群运维与管理的痛苦,确保基础架构配置正确、安全、高可用、有备份且版本保持最新。Amazon EKS已通过Kubernetes认证,因此客户可以使用现有的Kubernetes工具运行其现有Kubernetes应用程序,无需进行任何代码更改。许多客户已经在使用Amazon EKS,在AWS上运行Kubernetes。像Intel、Snap、Intuit、GoDaddy和Autodesk等全球客户都信赖Amazon EKS的安全性、可靠性和可伸缩性,用Amazon EKS 来运行他们最敏感、最关键的应用程序。

On March 13, AWS announced today that Amazon eks (Amazon elastic kubernetes service) has been officially commercialized in AWS China (Ningxia) region operated by Ningxia Western Cloud Data Technology Co., Ltd. and AWS China (Beijing) region operated by Beijing Guanghuan new network technology Co., Ltd.  

Amazon eks is a fully hosted service that allows customers to easily deploy, manage, and extend containerized applications using kubernetes on AWS without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

Zhang Wenyi, global vice president of AWS and executive director of Greater China, said, "more and more customers choose to run containers and kubernetes on AWS. Amazon eks is launched in AWS China (Ningxia) region and AWS China (Beijing) region, which can facilitate customers in China to use this highly available and fault-tolerant hosted kubernetes service. They can be more focused on developing applications without spending time and effort on the underlying infrastructure. We are very happy to continue to bring more advanced cloud technologies to our customers in China. "

It's said that before Amazon eks was released, running a kubernetes cluster with high availability required expertise and a lot of work. Customers need to set up kubernetes management infrastructure across multiple availability zones (AZ), replace the abnormal infrastructure, and upgrade without causing downtime.

Amazon eks eliminates this complexity and delivers an architecture for production environments that automates the kubernetes management infrastructure across multiple availability zones, eliminating a single point of failure. Amazon eks automatically detects and replaces abnormal nodes, patches management infrastructure, and performs version upgrades as needed. This makes the kubernetes infrastructure, managed by Amazon eks, resilient and functional even if the entire zone is lost.

At the same time, Amazon eks eliminates the pain of cluster operation and management, and ensures that the infrastructure configuration is correct, safe, highly available, backed up and up to date. Amazon eks is kubernetes certified so customers can run their existing kubernetes application using the existing kubernetes tool without any code changes. Many customers are already using Amazon eks to run kubernetes on AWS. Global customers like Intel, snap, intuit, GoDaddy and Autodesk all rely on the security, reliability and scalability of Amazon eks to run their most sensitive and critical applications.



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