


下面帝国cms二次开发教程专栏介绍了Dirang 帝国CMS7.2搜索模板支持动态标签调用的方法,希望对有需要的朋友有所帮助!



要求(& quot../../class/connect . PHP & quot;);要求(& quot../../class/db _ SQL . PHP & quot;);要求(& quot../../data/db cache/class . PHP & quot;);要求(& quot../../class/q_functions.php&quot);要求& quot../& quot;。LoadLang(& quot;pub/fun . PHP & quot;);修改如下

要求(& # 39;../../class/connect . PHP & # 39;);要求(& # 39;../../class/db _ SQL . PHP & # 39;);要求(& # 39;../../class/functions . PHP & # 39;);要求(& # 39;../../class/t _ functions . PHP & # 39;);要求(& # 39;../../data/db cache/class . PHP & # 39;);要求& quot../& quot;。LoadLang(& quot;pub/fun . PHP & quot;);然后寻找:

//替换公共模板变量$ list temp = $ tempr[temp text];向其中添加以下代码:

//页面支持标签$ tempr[temptext]= DtNewsBq(& # 39;列表& # 39;。$tempid,$tempr[temptext],0);Ytkah早就猜到你不想一行一行的找。哈哈,只需提供完整的修改代码如下

& lt?phprequire(& quot;../../class/connect . PHP & quot;);要求(& quot../../class/db _ SQL . PHP & quot;);要求(& quot../../data/db cache/class . PHP & quot;);要求(& # 39;../../class/functions . PHP & # 39;);要求(& # 39;../../class/t _ functions . PHP & # 39;);要求& quot../& quot;。LoadLang(& quot;pub/fun . PHP & quot;);$ editor = 1;eCheckCloseMods(& # 39;搜索& # 39;);//关闭模块$ link = db _ connect();$ empire = new MySQL query();$ getvar = $ _ GET[& # 39;getvar & # 39];if(empty($ getvar)){ $ get from = & quot;history . go(-1)& quot;;} else { $ getfrom = & quot../../../search/& quot;;}//搜索结果$ Search id =(int)$ _ GET[& # 39;searchid & # 39];if(empty($ searchid)){ printerror(& quot;SearchNotRecord & quot,$getfrom,1);} $ search _ r = $ empire -& gt;fetch 1(& quot;select searchid,keyboard,result_num,orderby,myorder,tbname,tempid,andsql,true classid from { $ dbtbpre } enews search其中searchid = & # 39$ searchid & # 39");if(empty($search _ r[& # 39;searchid & # 39])| | info isin table($ search _ r[TB name]){ printerror(& quot;SearchNotRecord & quot,$getfrom,1);} $ page =(int)$ _ GET[& # 39;第& # 39;];$ page = RepPIntvar($ page);$ start = 0;$ page _ line = $ public _ r[& # 39;search _ pagenum & # 39];//显示每页的链接数$ line = $ public _ r[& # 39;search _ num & # 39];//每页显示的记录数$ offset = $ page * $ line//总偏移量$ search = & quot& ampsearchid = & quot。$ searchid$ my order = $ search _ r[order by];if(empty($ search _ r[my order]){ $ my order。= & quotdesc & quot;;} $ add = strip slashes($ search _ r[& # 39;andsql & # 39]);$ num = $ search _ r[结果编号];$ query = & quotselect * from { $ dbtbpre } ecms _ & quot;。$search_r[tbname]。($add?'哪里& # 39;。substr($add,5):& # 39;');$query。= & quot排序依据& quot。我的订单。"限制$offset,$ line & quot;$ SQL = $ empire -& gt;查询($ query);$listpage=page1($num,$line,$page_line,$start,$page,$ search);//获取模板if($search _ r[& # 39;tempid & # 39]){ $ tempr = $ empire -& gt;fetch 1(& quot;select temptext,subnews,listvar,rownum,showdate,modid,subtitle,docode from & quot。GetTemptb(& quot;enewssearchtemp & quot)."其中tempid = & # 39"。$ search _ r[& # 39;tempid & # 39]."'限制1 & quot);} else if(empty($ class _ r[$ search _ r[true classid]][search tempid]){ $ tempr = $ empire -& gt;fetch 1(& quot;select temptext,subnews,listvar,rownum,showdate,modid,subtitle,docode from & quot。GetTemptb(& quot;enewssearchtemp & quot)."其中isdefault = 1 limit 1 & quot);} else { $ tempr = $ empire -& gt;fetch 1(& quot;select temptext,subnews,listvar,rownum,showdate,modid,subtitle,docode from & quot。GetTemptb(& quot;enewssearchtemp & quot)."其中tempid = & # 39"。$ class _ r[$ search _ r[true classid]][search tempid]。"'限制1 & quot);} $ have _ class = 1;//页面支持标签$ tempr[temptext]= DtNewsBq(& # 39;列表& # 39;。$tempid,$tempr[temptext],0);//替换公共模板变量$ list temp = $ tempr[temp text];if($public _ r[& # 39;searchtempvar & # 39]){ $ list temp = replace tempvar($ list temp);} $ search _ r[keyboard]= ehtmlspecialchars($ search _ r[keyboard]);$ list temp = str _ replace(& quot;[!--show . page --]& quot;,$listpage,$ list temp);$ list temp = str _ replace(& quot;[!--键盘--]& quot;,$ search _ r[键盘],$ list temp);$ list temp = str _ replace(& quot;[!--ecms . num --]& quot;,$num,$ list temp);$ url = & quot& lta href = & # 39"。ReturnSiteIndexUrl()。"'& gt"。$ fun _ r[& # 39;index & # 39]."& lt/a & gt;& ampnbsp& gt& ampnbsp"。$ fun _ r[& # 39;adsearch & # 39];$ page title = $ fun _ r[& # 39;adsearch & # 39].""。$ search _ r[keyboard];$ list temp = replaces vars($ list temp,$url,0,$pagetitle,$pagetitle,$add,0);$ rownum = $ tempr[rownum];if(empty($ rownum)){ $ rownum = 1;} $ format date = $ tempr[show date];$ sub news = $ tempr[sub news];$ subtitle = $ tempr[subtitle];$ docode = $ tempr[docode];$ modid = $ tempr[modid];$ list var = str _ replace(& # 39;[!--news . URL --]& # 39;,$public_r[newsurl],$ tempr[list var]);//field $ ret _ r = returnreplacelistf($ tempr[modid]);//获取列表模板$ list _ exp = & quot。[!--empire news . listemp --]& quot;;$list_r=explode($list_exp,$ list temp);$ listext = $ list _ r[1];$ no = $ offset+1;$ changerow = 1;while($ r = $ empire ->;Fetch($sql)){ //替换列表变量$ repvar = replacelistvars ($ no,$ listvar,$ subnews,$ subtitle,$ formatdate,$ URL,$ have _ class,$ r,$ ret _ r,$ docode);$ listext = str _ replace(& quot;& lt!--list . var & quot;。$changerow。"-->",$repvar,$ listext);$ changerow+= 1;//大于行数if($ changerow & gt >;$ rownum){ $ change row = 1;$string。= $ listtext$ listext = $ list _ r[1];} $ no++;} db _ close();$ empire = null//冗余数据if($ changerow & lt < = $ rownum & amp;& amp$ listtext & lt& gt$list_r[1]){ $string。= $ listtext}$string=$list_r[0]。$string。$ list _ r[2];echo strip slashes($ string);?& gt相关视频推荐:《帝国cms完整视频教程》以上是制作帝国CMS7.2搜索模板支持动态标签调用的详细内容。更多请关注主机参考其他相关文章!


本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:让帝国CMS7.2搜索模板支持动态标签调用 https://zhujicankao.com/87165.html

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转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » 让帝国CMS7.2搜索模板支持动态标签调用

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