







ltview class = 博 gt ltview class = top _ bo gt lt视图bindtap = 数字 gt群({ { user number } })</view gt; lt视图bindtap = 上传 wx:if = ;{ {禁止= = # 39;0'} } gt发送图片</view gt; lt视图bindtap = 禁令 wx:if = ;{ {禁止= = # 39;1'} } gt发送图片</view gt; lt视图bindtap = 注意 gt团体公告

page { background:# f2f2f 2;}.top_bo {显示:flex背景:白色;flex -方向:row}.top_bo视图{ flex:1;font -size:28 rpx;text-align:居中;边框:1rpx实心# cccline -高度:80rpx} scroll -view { height:82vh;/* padding -bottom:30 rpx;*/}.noList {背景:白色;margin -top:30 rpx;/*身高:230rpx*/宽度:100%;划-顶:25%;}.noMsg { text -align:center;颜色:# 999;font -size:28 rpx;}.inp {位置:绝对;底部:0;宽度:100%;背景:白色;高度:100rpx}.inp输入{背景:# d0d0d0border -半径:15rpx划-左:20rpx身高:84rpxmargin -top:10 rpx;宽度:94%;margin -left:2%;}.禁止{背景:# d0d0d0border -半径:15rpx划-左:20rpx身高:84rpxmargin -top:10 rpx;宽度:94%;margin -left:2%;text-align:居中;line -高度:84rpx颜色:rgb(34,34,34);}.plaCC { margin -left:5 rpx;}.p_r {显示:flexflex -方向:row}.flex roe { display:flex;flex -方向:row}.正文{宽度:100%;位置:相对;/* border:1 rpx solid # CCC;*//*高度:200rpx */}。right _ body { width:100%;/*边框:1rpx纯红;*/padding:20 rpx;margin -top:50 rpx;}.left _ body { margin -top:50 rpx;}.posRit { right:20 rpx;}.text bo { width:620 rpx;text -align:right;}.lfBo { margin -left:10 rpx;}.ritTxt {背景:# 44426a填充:10 rpx 20 rpx 10 rpx 20 rpx;颜色:白色;border -radius:15 rpx 0 15 rpx 15 rpx;margin -top:20 rpx;浮动:对;max -宽度:500rpxword -wrap:break -word;text -align:left;}.ritTxt2 {背景:白色;颜色:白色;border -radius:15 rpx 0 15 rpx 15 rpx;填充:0 rpx 20 rpx 10 rpx 20 rpx;margin -top:20 rpx;浮动:对;max -宽度:500rpxword -wrap:break -word;text -align:left;}.lftTxt {背景:# 44426a填充:10 rpx 20 rpx 10 rpx 20 rpx;颜色:白色;border -radius:0 rpx 15 rpx 15 rpx 15 rpx;margin -top:20 rpx;浮动:左;max -宽度:500rpxword -wrap:break -word;text -align:left;}.lftTxt2 {背景:# fff填充:0 rpx 20 rpx 10 rpx 20 rpx;颜色:白色;border -radius:0 rpx 15 rpx 15 rpx 15 rpx;margin -top:20 rpx;浮动:左;max -宽度:500rpxword -wrap:break -word;text -align:left;}.my _ audio { height:60 rpx;宽度:60rpxz-指数:2;位置:相对;top:10 rpx;左:20rpxmargin -right:30 rpx;}.data time { font -size:28 rpx;}.text img { width:200 rpx;margin -top:5 rpx;}.head { width:80 rpx;身高:80rpx}._ {身高:130rpx宽度:100%;背景:# ccc}.inppo { display:flex;flex -方向:row}.余音{ flex:1;line -高度:104rpxtext-align:居中;}.input { flex:5;}js

const DB = wx . cloud . database()var util = require( # 39;../../utils/util . js # 39;);var recorder = wx . getrecordermanager();constinneraudicontext = wx . createinneraudiocontext()//获取回放对象var qunId,即;Page({ /** *页面的初始数据*/data: {list: [],用户号: # 39;0',用户列表:[],c: ;",禁止: # 39;'},//点击录音开始播放事件my _ audio _ Click:function(e){ var src = e . current target . dataset . src;console . log( # 39;网址 # 39;,src);inneraudiocontext . src = src inneraudiocontext . seek(0);inneraudiocontext . play();},//Home GoHome(){ wx . switch tab({ URL: # 39;../group/group # 39;}}},//group member number(){ let userlist = JSON . stringify(this . data . userlist)wx . navigate to({ URL: # 39;../会员/会员?qunId = # 39+ qunId,}) },bottom:function(){ var that = this;this . setdata({ scroll top:100000 })},//动态监控禁止状态forbidden(){ console . log( # 39;8888888888888',qunId)const watcher = db . collection( # 39;qunList # 39) .其中({ _id: qunId })。watch({ onChange:function(RES){ let arr = RES . docs[0]console . log( # 39;禁态的动态监控 # 39;,arr。_ openId+ # 39;:'+wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39))设opid = arr。_ openId if(arr . prohibit = = # 39;1'){ if (arr。_ openId = = wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39)){ that.setData({禁止: # 39;0'}) } else { that.setData({禁止: # 39;1'})} } else { const watcher = db . collection( # 39;qunUserList # 39) .其中({ qunId: qunId,_ openId:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39) }) .watch({ onChange:function(RES){ let arrr = RES . docs[0]console . log( # 39;禁态的动态监控 # 39;,arrr。_ openId+ # 39;:'+wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39))if(arrr . prohibit = = # 39;1'){ if (arrr。_ openId = = opid){ that . setdata({ prohibit: # 39;0'}) } else { that.setData({禁止: # 39;1'}) } } else { that.setData({禁止: # 39;0'}) } },on error:function(err){//console . error( # 39;--------------错误 # 39;,err) } }) } },on error:function(err){//console . error( # 39;--------------错误 # 39;,err)}}},//禁词提示prohibit tis(){ wx . show toast({ title: # 39;禁语...',图标: # 39;无 # 39;}}},//获取成员消息on msg(qunId){ console . log( # 39;2222222',qunId)const watcher = db . collection( # 39;新闻 # 39;)//按进度降序//。order by( # 39;进步 # 39;, 'desc # 39;)//取前10//。极限(10)。其中({_ qunid: qunid})。watch({ onchange:function(snapshot){ console . log( # 39;快照 # 39;,snapshot)var list arr = snapshot . docs;console . log( # 39;---',listArr) listArr.forEach((item,idx)= gt;{ console . log( # 39;---',item)console . log(wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39) + ':'+项。_ openId)item . type = wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39)==项。_openId?1 : 2;item . send outname = wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39)==项。_openId?'我 # 39;: '';})that . setdata({ list:list arr })setTimeout(()= gt;{ that.bottom() },500)console . log( # 39;----------------------s # 39;,listArr) },on error:function(err){ console . error( # 39;--------------错误 # 39;,err)}},//发送图片上传(){var that = this //让用户选择一张图片wx . choose image({ success:choose result = >;{ //将图片上传到云存储空间wx.cloud.uploadFile({ //指定上传到的云路径:util . imgname()+ # 39;textImg.png # 39,//指定要上传文件的applet临时文件路径file path:choose result . tempfile paths[0],//success:RES = >;{ console . log( # 39;上传成功 # 39;,RES)let imgUrl = RES . fileid wx . cloud . call function({ name: ;新闻 ,// data: { // imgUrl: imgUrl // },data: { _qunId: qunId,_ openId:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39),//消息正文: # 39;',//message img: imgur,//time dataTime: util.nowTime(),//avatar send outhand:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;userInfo # 39).avatarUrl,//昵称send outname:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;userInfo # 39).昵称},成功(RES){ console . log( # 39;图片发送成功 # 39;,res) },fail(RES){ console . log( # 39;退货失败 # 39;,res) } }) },}) },})})},onLoad:function(options){ console . log(options)that = this qunId = options . qunId this . on msg(options . qunId);that . user fun()that . forbidden()},//获取群成员user fun(){ db . collection( # 39;qunUserList # 39).where({ qunId: qunId })。get({ success:function(Res){ console . log(666666666,Res)that . setdata({ user number:Res . data . length,userlist: res.data}}}},//群公告notice(){ wx . show modal({ title: # 39;集团公告 # 39;,内容:this.data.userList[0]。qunTitle,showCancel: false,success(RES){ if(RES . confirm){//console . log( # 39;用户点击OK # 39}}}}},//发送消息sendout (e) {console.log (1111,e)let title = e . detail . value if(title = = # 39;'){ wx . show toast({ title: # 39;请输入聊天内容 # 39;,图标: # 39;无 # 39;,}) } else { var data = { _qunId: qunId,_ openId:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39),//消息正文:标题,//消息img: # 39;',//time dataTime: util.nowTime(),//avatar send outhand:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;userInfo # 39).avatarUrl,//昵称send outname:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;userInfo # 39).昵称} console . log(data)wx . cloud . call function({ name: ;新闻 ,data: data,success(RES){ console . log( # 39;发送消息 # 39;,RES)that . setdata({ title: # 39;'}) },fail(RES){ console . log( # 39;登录失败 # 39;,res)}}},/* *用户点击右上角分享*/onshareappmessage:function(){ },//手指点击录音voice _ ing _ start:function(){ console . log( # 39;用手指点击录音 # 39;)wx . show toast({ title: # 39;按住录音并释放发送 # 39;,图标: # 39;无 # 39;})this . setdata({ voice _ ing _ start _ date:new date()。gettime(),//记录开始点击的时间}) constoptions = {duration: 10000,//指定记录的持续时间,单位ms sleRate: 8000,//采样率numberOfChannels: 1,//记录通道号encodibrate:24000,//编码比特率格式: # 39;mp3 # 39,//音频格式,有效值aac/mp3音频源: # 39;auto # 39,frameSize: 12,//以KB为单位指定帧大小} recorder.start(options) //开始录制this . animation = wx . create animation({ duration:1200,})//播放按钮动画this . animation . scale(0.8,0.8);//还原that . setdata({ spreading animation:that . animation . export()})},on ready:function(){ this . on _ recorder();},//记录监控事件on _ recorder:function(){ console . log( # 39;听事件 # 39;);recorder . onstart((RES)= gt;{ console . log( # 39;开始录制 # 39;);})recorder . onstop((RES)= gt;{ let { tempFilePath } = resconsole . log( # 39;停止录制,临时路径 # 39;,tempfile path);var x =新日期()。getTime()-this . data . voice _ ing _ start _ date if(x gt;1000) {让时间戳=新日期()。getTime();wx . cloud . uploadfile({ cloudPath: ;声音/ ;+时间戳+ # 39;. mp3 # 39,filePath: tempFilePath,success:RES = gt;{ console . log( # 39;上传成功 # 39;,RES)that . setdata({ sound URL:RES . fileid,})var data = { _ qunId: # 39;fb16 f 7905 E4 BFA 24009098 DC 34 b 910 c 8 # 39;,_ openId:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;openId # 39),//消息正文: # 39;',voice: res.fileID,img: # 39;',//time dataTime: util.nowTime(),//avatar send outhand:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;userInfo # 39).avatarUrl,//昵称send outname:wx . getstoragesync( # 39;userInfo # 39).昵称} console . log(data)wx . cloud . call function({ name: ;新闻 ,data: data,success(RES){ console . log( # 39;发送语音发送 # 39;,res) },fail(RES){ console . log( # 39;发送语音失败 # 39;,res) } }) },})} })recorder . onframerecorded((RES)= gt;{ return console . log( # 39;on frame recorded RES . frame buffer # 39;RES . frame buffer);string _ base64 = wx . arraybuffertobase 64(RES . frame buffer)console . log( # 39;string _ base64-- # 39;,string _ base64)}}},//释放录音voice _ ing _ end:function(){ console . log( # 39;松开手指进行录制 # 39;)that . setdata({ voice _ icon _ click:false,animation data:{ } })this . animation = ;";var x =新日期()。getTime()-this . data . voice _ ing _ start _ date if(x lt;1000){ console . log( # 39;停止录音,通话不到1秒!')wx . show modal({ title: # 39;提示 # 39;,内容: # 39;说话超过1秒!',})recorder . stop();} else {//录音停止,recorder.stop()开始上传;}},//点击语音图片voice _ icon _ Click:function(){ this . setdata({ voice _ icon _ Click:!This.data.voice _ icon _ click})}})以上是小程序聊天群的详情,发送语音、文字、图片。更多请关注主机参考其他相关文章!


本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:介绍小程序聊天群,发语音、文字、图片(微信群发语音、图片) https://zhujicankao.com/79109.html

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转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » 介绍小程序聊天群,发语音、文字、图片(微信群发语音、图片)

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