
百度今年继续全员涨薪 李彦宏透露比去年预算还多 - Baidu continues to pay full salaries this year, Robin Li revealed more than last year's budget._主机参考






Source: Daily Economic News

It's another "other family" company. Today (March 18th), some employees posted on social networking platforms. Baidu said today that the internal communication meeting will be held. Baidu chairman Robin Li said at the meeting that "universal adjustment" will also have more budget this year than last year, and it may be possible to add half a year's bonus to the year-end bonus. "Daily economic news" reporter confirmed the news from several Baidu employees.

"It can also be normal and even more. The company really does exert power on its employees. After all, the economic environment is awesome in the short term. It's just a surprise that we can't get back to work completely and pay salaries normally, and the result can be adjusted generally. " A Baidu insider told reporters that "general survey" means that all employees increase their salaries together, which is basically reflected in the salary paid at the end of April every year. The proportion of each person's salary increase is different, which is related to previous performance.

The reporter noted that according to the 2019 financial report, as of December 31, 2019, baidu had a total of 135.9 billion yuan of cash, cash equivalents, restricted funds and short-term investment, and 10.1 billion yuan of free cash flow. By the end of 2019, baidu had 37779 employees, with a per capita income of more than 2.84 million yuan, according to wind.

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