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怎么查看映射的端口列表呢。。。。https://my.webhorizon.in/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/1/nat-ipv4-ports-calculator-kvm 这个地址坏掉了 |
注册网友回复说: 2] How to access your server using SSH? If you have IPv6 connectivity simply use your assigned IPv6 and port 22 for SSH. OR For SSH over IPv4 Shared (NAT) IPv4 – y.y.y.y Internal IP – 10.37.130.xxx SSH using – y.y.y.y port xxx21 You need an SSH client to access your server, use PUTTY (https://putty.org) it’s free. 3] Which IPv4 ports can I use / I did’nt understand how to SSH? You have been assigned a range of 20 ports on your Shared (NAT) IPv4 address and 1 extra forwarded port for SSH. The first 20 ports are based on the last octet of your internal IP, you can use these for anything you want, examples below: example: has the following port range usable: 10001-10020 example: has the following port range forwarded: 22101 – 22120
ansheng网友回复说: 根据你的内网IP,然后就会自动算出公网IP。
feixiang网友回复说: 这家我有个5刀多年付,256内存,500G流量的新加坡NAT 吃灰…
6fyC8r网友回复说: 大佬,暂时不出,我有时间折腾一下它
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_webhorizon的NAT VPS https://zhujicankao.com/58221.html