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各位大佬,我的服务器挂了。谁知道这个gorillaservers.com的服务器咋了。官网挂。服务器挂 |
shalu5872386说: 犹他州odgen数据中心的电力系统发生故障,正在抢修中。我们的部分服务器也受影响了。
艾米休艾米休说: 那就是跑路呗
shalu5872386说: 晕,我前天刚在他家续费了200刀。无语了,几台独服,都连不上了
微程序说: 总有些秀儿,自以为掌握了全世界,他不知道的就是奇怪的商家、跑路党
小蓝姐姐说: 你不说,我还没注意,刚才连接了一下,都连不上了
撸啊撸说: 快挂12小时了。唉
木易酱说: 我有4台。。。都挂了。
小蓝姐姐说: Here is the latest update I received from their FB page, Now that we have a better understanding of what happened we would like to give everyone an update. One of our old generators that have worked for years and was recently load tested had a mechanical failure and caught fire resulting in power being cut to our core routers and fire suppression system controlling the fire. Unfortunately, the fire department opted to cut power to the rest of the building as a precaution even though the power systems were independent. We are currently waiting for an emergency inspector to arrive to give the all-clear so we can bring most of the servers in Ogden back online. Some servers will have an extended outage as they may require rebuilds due to some water damage. Those builds have a high probability that data is intact. We would like to thank you for your patience and know that we are doing everything we can to get everyone back online.
shalu5872386说: 有没啥补偿方案,我在他家也有三台
shalu5872386说: 数据能不能恢复还2回事。。。哎。损失大了
shalu5872386说: 我里面没啥重要数据,因为在他们的几台独服,我都在吃灰…就偶尔登上去下下百度盘,。。。能补偿几个月时间最好了
小蓝姐姐说: 看我稳如钟,你们几台的慌啥,我账户里14X台服务器。。。 都在Ogden 持续等待电力恢复中
注册说: 但愿没进水。
小蓝姐姐说: http://messenger.providesupport.com/messenger/webnx.html
opelnic说: 这才是问,问题的嘛,那些一上来就跑路谁受的了。
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_各位大佬,我的服务器挂了。谁知道这个gorillaservers.com的 https://zhujicankao.com/56785.html