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注册网友: 瓶颈在国内,我在外面同步都是几十MB每秒的。。。
xx2008网友: 我也疑惑,就算hosts源数据中心IP 香港或新加坡,不走CDN,电信和移动多线程下载连1M/s稳定都不行,联通的话勉强还行 明明服务器都是Azure 微软,就算AZ香港不上bbr或锐速也没这么惨吧
XiaoFaye网友: 是对国内IP做了特殊处理?还是海底电线的问题?
kuk网友: 国外的话是挺快的,几十MB每秒随随便便达到,国内的话就惨不忍睹了 感觉是国内太多人白女票了,用的人多就慢了,18年的时候还挺快的一般1~2M每秒没什么问题,现在就只有几十k每秒
xx2008网友: 感觉应该是薅的太多咯
Where is the bottleneck of slow download speed of onedrive? The official speed limit for us? Or is the submarine cable too blockquoted? Registration: the bottleneck is in China, and my synchronization outside is dozens of MB / s... X2008: I also wonder, even if hosts source data center IP Hong Kong or Singapore does not use CDN, telecom and mobile multi-threaded download can't even stabilize 1m / s. if Unicom does, it can barely be clear that the servers are azure Microsoft, even if AZ Hong Kong doesn't go up to BBR or sharp speed, it's not so bad. Xiaofaye: is it a special treatment for domestic IP? Or the submarine power line? Kuk: it's very fast in foreign countries. Tens of megabytes can be reached at random every second. It's hard to see that there are too many white female tickets in China, and the number of people who use them is slow. It's very fast in 18 years. It's usually 1-2m per second. Now it's only tens of kilos per second. It's like there should be too much money
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:onedrive下载速度慢的瓶颈到底在哪里? - Where is the bottleneck of slow download speed of onedrive? https://zhujicankao.com/5668.html