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刚刚我压力测试了一下我的网站,套了cf,不开5秒盾,服务器cpu占用55%-60%左右,访问网站一会502,一会要半天才能打开,打开5秒盾,cpu占用还是55%-60%,但是网站打开不卡了。。。。。,用的方法是post方式,,这一类攻击咋防御啊,有没有好的方法,,关机除外….有没有啥好的有效的办法,, |
我是一个大水怪网友: 有没有别的啥的好办法,,,防止这一类攻击的….
loveqianool网友: 要么就软限制 限制一个ip最大连接数 要么就加钱 均衡负载搞起来
好东东网友: 就是简单的压力测试了一下,结果就不行了,中间还出了一次500….
zaizai网友: 求c这个网站,http://www.cjbags.com,具体原因见我帖子
zaizai网友: 打了多少并发上去?
jiuye网友: 我也不知道…….我刚刚又测试了一下ovh17.88刀那个,那个nginx的CPU占用99.9%
Just now, I tested my website under pressure. With CF, I can't open the 5-second shield. The CPU of the server accounts for about 55% - 60%. When I visit the website for a while, it will take me half a day to open it. When I open the 5-second shield, the CPU still accounts for 55% - 60%, but the website doesn't work..... , the method is post. How to defend this kind of attack? Is there a good way? Except for shutdown, wpap63015qte. Is there any good and effective way to deal with this kind of attack. Zaizai: it can be solved by better chicken and then I can be a big water monster: is there any other good way to prevent this kind of attack? …. Loveqianool: either limit the maximum number of IP connections or add money to balance the load. Zaizai: post can be used to resist this kind of attack It's just a simple stress test. The result is not good. In the middle of it, there is a 500…. Zaizai: the website of "C", http://www.cjbugs.com. For the specific reasons, see my post Zaizai: how many times did you type and go up at the same time? Jiuye: I don't know ……, either. I just tested ovh17.88 again. That nginx CPU takes up 99.9%
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:关于网站压测问题…. - On the problem of Web site pressure test … https://zhujicankao.com/5634.html