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本身有3台Racknerd,是不是更换个机房,效果会稍微好一点? |
注册网友: 有3台还要收?天啊。
X先生网友: 在来三台岂不美哉 https://www.hostloc.com/thread-648788-1-1.html
huifei网友: 我买了台28.99刀/年的,上了车才发现是灵车,唉,算了,我博客就放在那个上面。博客链接在签名里面
hso网友: 好狼 大佬你这是要灵车集群?
fiisi网友: 有一台圣诞款12.71刀的,收不收,tg@wisdom077 ip正常
There are 3 racknerds in it. Is it better to replace a computer room? Net friend reply: Register: have 3 still want to receive? Oh, my God. Mr. X: isn't it nice to be in Santai? Https://www.hostloc.com/thread-648788-1-1.html huifei: I bought a 28.99-yuan-a-year-old one, and only when I got on the car did I find it was a hearse. Alas, forget it, my blog is on it. Blog link in the signature HSO: good wolf, you want hearse cluster? Fiisi: there is a Christmas 12.71 yuan, which can't be collected. TG @ wisdom077 IP is normal
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:收一台racknerd 年付15刀那款mc机房 - Receive the MC machine room with an annual payment of $15 from rackerd https://zhujicankao.com/5566.html