
有没有免费的短网址,可以统计跳转次数的 - Is there a free short URL that can count the number of jumps




注册网友: 花生瓜子巧克力 有肯定是有的,你再仔细找找吧

hnxzc网友: short.cm   还能自定义域名

Tcp80网友: 网上有很多啊,随便搜索就有了。

gqsxwzy网友: 也可以自己写一个    大约2行代码就行了

风为裳网友: https://256.so/ 紫苏不定~~~~~

酷酷猫网友: WP有插件可以统计。

Earn网友: 只有缩短,没有统计。 https://sl.al

hxuf网友: http://suo.nz/ 这个好像不错

Effervescence网友: 楼上那家有统计 不过我用了一周还是放弃了 对手机不友好

注册网友: https://ouo.tw

注册网友: suo.im? 我觉得可以,你觉得呢

darkst网友: 有没有短网址源码的,这个玩意弄个源码也行啊

xiao网友: 免费的谁用谁知道,半夜给你跳小XX

财迷哥网友: 自己搭建啊  不能很难

old_driver网友: 有源码就更不错了

帝都网友: 看我签名

大眼金鱼网友: 很多,也有很多开源的源码。。。

肤白貌美天然呆网友: http://yourls.org php开源短链接生成网站,带有统计跳转次数

蝼蚁般的存在网友: 自己搞个短域名来自建呗  源码一大堆

For exle, netizen reply: Registration: peanut, melon, seed and chocolate are definitely there. Please look for hnxzc: short.cm. You can also customize the domain name tcp80: there are a lot of them on the Internet, just search them. Gqsxwzy: you can also write a code of about 2 lines by yourself: https://256.so/perilla is indeterminate ~~~~~~~~~~ cool cat: WP has plug-ins to count. Earn: only shortening, no statistics. Https://sl.al hxuf: http://suo.nz/ this seems to be good. There are statistics in the upstairs one, but I used it for a week or gave up the unfriendly registration of mobile phone: https://ouo.tw registration: suo.im? I think so. What do you think about darkst: is there any short website source code? It's OK to make a source code for this thing Who knows for free? In the middle of the night, I'll give you a jump: I can't build it by myself. Old driver: with source code, it's better. Capital: look at my signature, big eye goldfish: many, many open source sources... Skin white, beautiful and natural: http://yourls.org PHP open source short link generation website, with the statistics of jump times like ants: make a short domain name by yourself from a lot of sources


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