
发现论坛有些人收机卖机素质好差 - I found that some people in the forum are poor in quality






注册网友: 赚个几十块还能致富不成?!不是这个价就不是这个价,不值这个价就不值这个价,鸡儿良心不痛一样,踏马就注定穷一辈子,你靠这点钱能干啥?辣鸡

savage0203网友: 我手机从来不还价,看中了直接小床,然后打款收机。 出手也基本都是自己不需要,诚心价出。

茎肛互撸娃网友: 哦,那确实很骚

savage0203网友: 收的时候用小号压价,卖的时候又用小号炒鸡,套路满满

一位不知名网友网友: 这种算好的啊,关键某些人就同一个号,正反两套说辞。 压价抬价,关键是每个出鸡的帖子他都会去喊两句,好奇怪。

nico网友: 是有这样的人呢~

savage0203网友: 是有这样的人呢~

mnihyc网友: 左右互搏之术。

小贺网友: 左右互搏,然后自我蒙蔽。

注册网友: 奇怪的MJJ又增加了.jpg 我就自己直接收的 自己顶贴 还指出了MJJ吃亏了 有的大佬可以出我https://www.hostloc.com/thread-654400-2-2.html

注册网友: 今天我也碰到了

MJJ思密达网友: 靠买鸡卖鸡发财吧估计。

whoistop网友: loc什么人有 很正常

savage0203网友: 我知道你说的是谁,哈哈

你比从前快乐网友: 曝光账号,这些货色太贱了

h78807网友: 这样的人还不少呢

imslc网友: 论坛收,论坛卖确实感觉不太好。不过也不没什么大问题。 论坛收,其他渠道卖 那算本事。

Dragonzgl网友: 收了卖是没啥,但是人家正常开价,他去帖子吐槽机器烂,不值多少钱,然后叫人家降价卖就恶心了啊。

ico网友: 套路,满满的套路

注册网友: 是个人才,这种人不是玩技术的。是投机者,就像现在卖口罩的一样。

注册网友: 奇怪的MJJ又增加了我两天没看论坛,突然不知道你们在说谁了

ico网友: 随便翻两页帖子就能知道,卖个鸡还叫大家竞价的。

heu网友: 懂了,那贴应该被255了,难怪我看不到

savage0203网友: 林子大了,什么烂人都有

At the time of collection, it was called that the chicken was rotten. If it was 20, it would be PM. Wpap6603003br then change a post and sell it by yourself. Wpap6603003br it's shameful to be a traitor, but it's disgusting to be so ugly. Net friend reply: Register: earn a few dozen yuan to still can become rich not?! If it's not, it's not. If it's not worth it, it's not worth it. Chickens have different consciences. Riding on horses is doomed to be poor for a lifetime. What can you do with this money? Savage0203: I never bargain on my mobile phone. I like the direct small bed and then call the cash register. Basically, they don't need to sell. They are willing to offer. Stem and anus mutual rolling baby: Oh, that's really coquettish. Savage0203: when we collect, we use a small size to reduce the price, and when we sell, we use a small size to fry chicken. The routine is full of an unknown netizen: This is good. Some of the key people are the same number, both positive and negative. The key to price reduction and price rise is that he will shout two sentences for each post of chicken, curious and strange. Nico: there are people like this. Savage0203: there are people like this. Mnihyc: the technique of left and right hand fighting. Xiao He: fight with each other, and then deceive yourself. Registration: the strange mjj has been added. JPG I also pointed out that some tycoons who have suffered from mjj's loss can register at https://www.hostloc.com/thread-654400-2-2.html: today I also met mjj Smecta: get rich by buying chicken and selling chicken. Whoistop: LOC who has a very normal savage0203: I know who you are talking about, ha ha, you are happier than before: exposure account, these goods are too cheap h78807: there are still many people like this imslc: Forum collection, forum sales really don't feel very good. But it's not a big problem. Forum income, other channels sell that skill. Dragonzgl: it's nothing to sell, but when people ask for a normal price, he goes to the post to make complaints about how bad the machine is, and then it's disgusting to ask people to sell it at a lower price. ICO: routine, full of routine registration: it's a talent, this kind of person is not playing with technology. It's speculators, like the ones who sell masks now. Registration: the strange mjj added that I haven't seen the forum for two days, and suddenly I don't know who you are talking about, ICO: just turn over two pages of Posts and you will know that selling a chicken also calls for bidding. HEU: I see. That post should be 255. No wonder I can't see savage0203: the forest is big. There are all kinds of rotten people


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